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Fig. 10                                                 Fig. 11                                                                                Fig. 12

          continued to be published. From the 1950s onwards, many hotels,  the way forwards for this new hotel strategy. Companies in the                embarked on a thesis on the hotel buildings of Haute-Engadine,  on Swiss hotel construction between 1830 and 1920, financed by
          large and small, were stripped of their historicist facades with   Hilton empire offer the latest conveniences, bathrooms for every            extending the scope of the field towards the Alpine region. 35  the Swiss National Fund.  Some tourist cantons have also listed
          impunity. The most famous ‘victims’, which are still operating today,  room, a  tv and a telephone with a direct line. In the post-war             Despite these pioneering works, specialist studies of hotel   their hotel heritage in inventories of architectural and heritage
          include the Schweizerhof in Lucerne and the Victoria-Jungfrau   period this set them apart from the old grand hotels, which could              architecture remain few and far between. The centenary study of   history: Grisons was the pioneer here, as early as 1980, focusing
          in Interlaken, both of which had their lavish facade decorations   not envisage such investments, often for financial reasons. In the          the hotels of Loèche-les-Bains, in 1996, still remains an isolated   on Engadine. In 1995 the canton of Lucerne followed suit with an
          removed. Several hotels were demolished either during the war  1950s and 1960s, the hotels which clearly set themselves apart                  case for a hotel company to this day  and Lugano is one of the   initial inventory covering the town of Lucerne, followed in 1999
          or in the post-war years: including the Grand Hôtel des Bains in   from the historic, traditional hotel culture, at least in terms of their    rare tourist locations, alongside Montreux, with an academically   by the canton of Valais which produced a brief inventory of the
         Aigle (fig. 15) and the Grand Hôtel of Jaman aux Avants (fig. 16)   progressive architecture, were increasingly successful. Around 1960,        rigorous history of its hotel sector.  The volumes of insa dedicated   entire canton territory. 44
          in 1945; the Grand Hôtel de la Dent du Midi in Champéry (fig.  the hotel buildings of the nineteenth century were barely accorded              to Geneva, Lausanne, Vevey, Montreux, Thoune, Lucerne, Locarno,   Since the late 1970s these publications have been joined by
         17) in 1946; Hotel Axenfels in Morschach in 1947; Hôtel du Lac   contemporary status: their ‘renovation’ became a matter of urgency.            Lugano and Davos supply a generally satisfying insight into the   other works treating subjects including the historic hotel. A joint
          near the railway station in Lucerne (fig. 18) and the hotel at Rigi-  Walter Schnyder (1907-2007), manager of the Beau-Rivage Palace           history of hotels and tourism in these towns.  The omission of   publication by Louis Gaulis and René Creux, dedicated to the
          First in 1948; Hôtel du Grand Muveran in Villars in 1950; and   from 1957 onwards and a former employee of the Hilton hotel                    Interlaken and Saint-Moritz in a series which specifically covers   history of the great pioneers in the Swiss hotel sector, an initiative of
          the Grand Hôtel in Vevey, a genuine icon of Swiss hotel history   chain, also undertook works of this nature at the time.                      the belle époque certainly seems a regrettable absence in terms of   the Swiss National Tourist Office, appeared in 1976.  In the same
          in 1956 (fig. 19).                                                                                                                             the history of tourism. For many important tourist locations such as   year, Fred Ammann published an extended series of pamphlets on
              As the climactic act of this wave of demolition in the post- THE REDISCOVERY OF HISTORIC HOTELS                                            Saint-Moritz, Pontresina and Arosa in Grisons, Engelberg, Weggis,  the major Swiss hotelier families.  In 1990, Thierry Ott produced
         war years, in the mid-1950s Heimatschutz staged a ‘cleansing’ of the   IN ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS                                                 Brunnen and Vitznau by Lake Lucerne, and the Bernese Oberland   a summary overview of the Swiss grand hotels, in a pocket-sized
          Rigi summit. The 1951 Écu d’or fundraising campaign was used to   It was Professor Adolf Reinle, originally from Lucerne and                   and Valais regions, the history of the hotel sector is covered only by   format.  Finally, in a work dedicated to the sanatorium published
          purge the famous summit of all its historicist hotels, some of which   teaching in Zurich, who devoted a chapter of the fourth volume          local history studies which generally fail to cite their sources and   in 1992, Quintus Miller explored – as he describes it in his
          had been there for over a century (fig. 20).  In the jubilee report   of his Kunstgeschichte der Schweiz to hotel construction, initiating a   do not always stand up to close scrutiny. 39            introduction – a marginal phenomenon in the hotel sector.
          of the Société Suisse des Hôteliers of 1957, Peter Meyer, now a   new phase in the assessment of these hotel buildings. He was the                 Around the millennium, two particularly striking figures   Research into the hotel architecture of the belle époque
          professor, launched a last verbal assault on the hotel buildings of   first twentieth-century art historian to stop describing the hotels      in the hotel architecture of the belle époque were studied by   also got under way in Europe in the 1980s. In 1982, art
          the belle époque. Published under the title Hotelbau einst und jetzt   of the belle époque in negative terms. His was a vital contribution,    architectural historians. In 1998, the Museum im Bellpark at   historian Michael Schmitt set the grand hotel between 1870
         (‘Hotel construction then and now’), his criticism was already more   to some extent heralding their rehabilitation.  Yet despite this          Kriens analysed – in an exhibition with accompanying publication   and 1920 in its wider European context; in 1991, Maria Wenzel
          moderate,  however.  Only  the  buildings  of  the  late  nineteenth   pioneering work, research in the history of Swiss architecture         – the work of  Emil Vogt,  an  architect who  was active  in hotel   examined a similar type of building in Germany.  There  are
          century, which he describes as ‘fantasy creations lacking all rigour’, are   focusing on hotel architecture before the 1980s is rare. In 1976,   building.  In 1999, Dave Lüthi devoted his degree dissertation to   also some publications considering the typology of hotel and
          utterly rejected. He now has some positive words for the ‘romantic’  Roman Ottiger, a doctoral student under Adolf Reinle, examined            Eugène Jost, the leading architect in hotel construction in French-  similar buildings in the French-speaking countries. 1985 saw
          architectural forms of preceding periods – the turrets and roof   the construction of the first hotel buildings in Lucerne between             speaking Switzerland. Two years later, an exhibition at the epfl in   the publication of a large-scale overview of French spa towns
          ornaments, the fretwork – and advises against rashly demolishing   Schwanenplatz and the Nationalquai,  opening up a completely                Lausanne paid homage to this architect’s work.  The same year  – accompanying an exhibition – under the title Villes d’eaux en
          them. In the same publication, however, architect Theo Schmid   new field of research – not just in Switzerland but in Europe, too.            saw the publication of Hotelträumen zwischen Gletschern und Palmen,  France; a significant section of the work is dedicated to hotel
          presents yet more ‘hotels with turrets and fretwork’ which have been   A decade or so later, in 1988, in her degree dissertation at the        an initial overview dedicated to the history of Swiss tourism and   buildings.  In the same year an illustrated book compared the
          rehabilitated by the post-war purification drive in the minimalist   University of Lausanne, Anne Wyssbrod presented the first and             hotel architecture between 1830 and 1920, including a study of   hotels and tourist facilities of the French Riviera to those built
          spirit of the period (fig. 21). 28                      seminal account of the development of hotel construction in                            the tourist centres on Lake Geneva, in Thoune, Lake Lucerne and   around Lake Geneva in France and Switzerland.  In 1988, the
              While this battle was being waged against the historic   the nineteenth century, focusing on Montreux.  Her systematic                     Valais. A follow-up volume appeared two years later under the title   Musée Carnavalet made a valuable contribution to the history of
          edifices of the nineteenth century, new efficiently managed and   investigation of the hotel architecture of Switzerland’s ‘hotel city par     Hotelpaläste zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit, focusing on the history   the hotel sector with its exhibition catalogue Du Palais au Palace
          rationalised hotel buildings were proving a great success. The chain   excellence’ was a major landmark in the story of the rediscovery of     of the tourist regions in Ticino, Lake Constance and Grisons.   – Des Grands Hôtels de voyageurs à Paris au xix  siècle, a work which
          founded by Conrad Nicholson Hilton Cisco in Texas pointed   this architectural type.  At almost the same time, Isabelle Rucki                  These two publications were produced as part of a research project   analyses the development of the most important hotel buildings
          Montreux – the church. Territet – Hôtel des Alpes. A beautiful old building   Lauenen.                                                         Locarno, Hôtel Reber before and after the renovations.
          and an ugly modern construction on the shores of Lake Geneva.

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