Page 296 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Fig. 1                                                                                                                                         Fig. 2

                                         THE SANDOZ FAMILY                                                                                               March 1948, ceding his place in February 1952 to his brother,  in the grounds facing the lake: a group of donkeys, a fountain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with pigeons and several planters with peacocks. The decorative
                                                                                                                                                         the sculptor and painter Edouard-Marcel, who remained a board
                         AND BEAU-RIVAGE: A LOYAL BOND                                                                                                   member until 1971 .                                     groups featuring life-sized animals echo three fountains by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 same artist, situated in Ouchy opposite the landing stage of the
                                                                                                                                                             The following year saw Dr Jacques Landolt, son-in-law of
                                  LASTING OVER A CENTURY                                                                                                 Edouard-Marcel Sandoz and husband of Nicole Landolt-Sandoz,  Compagnie Générale de Navigation and near by in the south of
                                                                                                                                                         join the board. He would represent the interests of the family   the Denantou Park.
                                                                                                                                                         foundation, the Fondation de Famille Sandoz, set up by his father-  What is perhaps less well known is that Edouard-Marcel
                                                                                                                                                         in-law. Jacques Landolt was replaced by his eldest son, the banker   Sandoz collaborated with a number of porcelain manufacturers
                                                                                                                                                         Marc-Edouard Landolt, in June 1979. Since 2005, Marc-Edouard’s   throughout his life, including Haviland in France and Langenthal
                                                                                                                                                         youngest brother, François Landolt, has maintained the family   in Switzerland. The most privileged guests of the Beau-Rivage
                                                                                                                                                         presence on the board.                                  Palace will undoubtedly remember being served their meals on
                                                                                                                                                             For a century, then, members of the Sandoz family have   tableware decorated with exotic fish motifs based on drawings
                                                      Jacques-Michel PITTIER
                                                                                                                                                         shown an unwavering commitment to Beau-Rivage, both as   made by the artist during his trips to Monaco and the Red Sea at
              When Edouard-Constant Sandoz (1853-1928) and his family   Ever the entrepreneur (even when, for health reasons, he                         financiers and decision makers, and have been instrumental in the   the start of the 1930s. The line of tableware was first produced in
          moved to the shores of Lake Geneva, he was an accomplished   briefly had to put his business concerns in the Rhine area on                     hotel’s solid, steady growth.                           1958 by Langenthal, subsequently reissued several times, and was
          man and a successful entrepreneur, having founded the company   hold), Sandoz took a close interest in the economic future of                      Originally a minority shareholder, the Fondation de Famille   regularly used to serve guests until 2005 (fig. 4).
          Sandoz SA in Basle with the chemist Kern. Edouard-Constant and   French-speaking Switzerland. From the turn of the twentieth                   Sandoz regularly increased its interest in the hotel and is now the   The hotel has also gradually acquired several of Sandoz’s
          his wife Olympe (sister of one of the founders of the watchmakers   century onwards, he helped finance the development of several              majority shareholder. This has ensured the Beau-Rivage Palace   flower paintings, together with a number of bronze Art Deco
          Longines, and niece of the painter Emile-François David) already   local and regional companies, one of which was the Société                  a remarkable financial stability, enabling it to emerge from two   pieces currently on display in the hotel’s suites.
          had close ties with Lausanne: Olympe was born there and remained   du Beau-Rivage Palace. He was also a discreet philanthropist,               world  wars  and  several  economic  crises  unscathed,  without
          deeply attached to the city, while Edouard-Constant had studied   supporting and donating to a number of works and social                      compromising the outstanding quality of its service, and also   SAVING OUCHY
          at the university for two semesters, frequenting the literary Société   institutions in Lausanne and establishing a family tradition which     allowing it to carry out the large-scale renovations necessary for it   No study of the Sandoz family’s close connection with
          de Belles-Lettres between 1870 and 1871.                his heirs would staunchly continue.                                                    to thrive and prosper.                                  Lausanne and the Beau-Rivage Palace would be complete without
              Their  three  sons,  Edouard-Marcel  (1881-1971)  (fig.  1),                                                                                                                                       mentioning the famous  ‘Ouchy-la-Verte’   episode. The  ‘drama’
         Aurèle-Gilbert (1884-1952) and Maurice-Yves (1892-1958)   A SHAREHOLDER PRESENCE                                                                AN ARTISTIC COMMITMENT                                  begins in 1926, when Edouard-Constant Sandoz bequeathed the
          thus spent the majority of their childhood and adolescence at   The name Edouard-Constant Sandoz first appeared in the                             The Sandoz family’s involvement in Beau-Rivage has been   entire southern part of the Denantou estate to the city of Lausanne
         Le Denantou, the estate that Edouard-Constant Sandoz had   minutes of the Société du Beau-Rivage Palace in 1907: he was                         not only financial, but – particularly in the case of the sculptor   so that it could be turned into a public park (subsequently created
          bought  in  1896  and  subsequently  converted  for  family  use   initially listed as a member of the buildings committee and, later          Edouard-Marcel Sandoz – artistic. Many of his works (either   after his death in 1928).
         (fig. 2). While the lifestyle there was generally quite simple, the   that year, as a member of the financial committee. From that point        donated by him or bought by the hotel) are on display in the   For the next thirty years, the Quai d’Ouchy – which runs
          family nonetheless moved in wealthy bourgeois circles. As the   on, the Sandoz and their descendants, the Landolts, would be                   hotel and its grounds, among them the statue commemorating the   alongside the lake east of the Place du Port to the Tour Haldimand
          consummate mistress of the house, Olympe Sandoz organised   closely associated with the affairs of Beau-Rivage (fig. 3).                       1912 peace treaty between Italy and Turkey (originally placed in  – remained largely unaltered, unlike the west side (now the Avenue
          a number of memorable receptions, including an event for    Representatives of the family were involved in the running                         the rotunda before being moved to its current position opposite   de Rhodanie), where there was extensive development work
          the Société Suisse des Officiers in July 1901 when some eight   of the hotel, at first as members of various committees, and later             the north entrance in 1958 ) and a pair of greyhounds in veined   during the same period, including the filling in of the lake shore
          hundred guests dined alfresco, and the centenary celebrations of   in the role of deputy chairman of the board. Edouard-Constant               white marble which, since 1934, have been welcoming visitors   area and the creation of the Bains de Bellerive lido.
          the Société de Belles-Lettres in June 1906, at which Edouard-  Sandoz’s son, the banker Aurèle-Gilbert Sandoz, took his seat                   on either side of the steps leading to the main lobby (fig. 5).   The second ‘act’ opened in 1957, when the owners of a plot
          Constant received an honorary award.                    on the board in August 1926 and became deputy chairman in                              Several of Sandoz’s bronzes dating from the 1950s are also on show   of land and three hotels (the Angleterre, Lutetia and Florissant)

          Edouard-Marcel Sandoz, c.1971.                                                                                                                 Edouard-Constant Sandoz’s three sons, Edouard, Maurice and Aurèle,   Fig. 3 >
                                                                                                                                                         together at Le Denantou. Photograph c.1952.             Edouard-Marcel Sandoz, Nicole Landolt-Sandoz, Anna Passavant-Iselin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Adèle Passavant on the terrace of the Beau-Rivage Palace. Photograph c.1924.

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