Page 34 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 34

Fig. 1                                                                                                                                         Fig. 2

                                                INNS, HOTELS                                                                                             the Bible. It brought about a situation that committed host and   Reichard in the introduction to his 1802 guidebook: ‘It is a long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 established rule that it is preferable to choose better inns rather than small,
                                                                                                                                                         guest to something far beyond the mere exchange of money. In the
                                        AND TRAVEL GUIDES:                                                                                               words of the historian Daniel Roche: ‘It would be wrong to assume   mean ones. At inns of repute, everything has a fixed price, whereas a poor

                                                THE WORLD ON                                                                                             that under such private arrangements, the guest, the traveller, did not pay   innkeeper will always seek to take advantage. The first thing to do when
                                                                                                                                                         his share. Where the relationship was one of passivity and reliance on others,  settling into a room at an inn and preparing to sleep there is to open the
                                           THE PRINTED PAGE                                                                                              the balance was only restored by respecting certain rules, and the guest paid   the tester  of the bed is attached by ropes to the ceiling, these ropes may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 windows and then perfume it with a fumigation of vinegar and sugar. If
                                                                                                                                                         his debt by engaging in conversation, supplying information and bringing
                                                                                                                                                         news. It was a matter of courtesy and displaying good manners.’ 3  be old, worn or badly tied and the tester may fall – there are a thousand
                                                                                                                                                             We see here social interaction based on  an exchange of   instances of this occurrence – so it is better to pull the bed from under it.
                                                                                                                                                         services between equals which, like the Grand Tour itself, helped   One of the great scourges of bad inns is bugs. Madame de Genlis’s advice
                                                                                                                                                         to establish a Europe-wide network of noble families. Staying   is to take four pieces of camphor, each the size of a walnut, and place
                                                                                                                                                         in a private house did not always mean that no money changed   two on the mattress under the sheet at the head of the bed and the other
                                                         Ariane DEVANTHÉRY
                                                                                                                                                         hands and some families seem to have decided to charge guests   two likewise at the foot of the bed, taking care not to leave the bed up
         A HISTORY OF SLEEPING AWAY FROM HOME                     young aristocrats underwent a sort of rite of passage marking their                    for their lodgings, thus opening the way to a third type of   against the wall. This precautionary measure is somewhat narcotic and can
              Since the beginning of time, people have travelled. Since   entry into adulthood. Even though many and very different young                accommodation, namely bed and breakfast or full board. In his   affect the nerves over time, but used occasionally does no harm. I have on
          the beginning of time, they have occasionally had to find board   men took part in the Grand Tour, this whole learning experience              study based on travel writings of the classical era and the Age of   occasion guaranteed being bitten by bugs all night by placing my bed in
          and lodging away from home. Whether soldiers, merchants or   was strictly governed by certain conventions. There were rules                    Enlightenment, Daniel Roche shows how, from the seventeenth   the middle of the room and surrounding it with lighted candles. Persons
          pilgrims, they have always had special places to stay overnight or   about which itineraries to follow, which sights to see and which          to the late eighteenth century, in both relatively unexplored   unused to travelling cannot accustom themselves to the noise of an inn and
          longer. Fortunately, our task here is not to cover this whole vast   people to meet. Travellers were required to keep journals, make           areas and along well-trodden routes, private hospitality gradually   frequently lose sleep because of it. The time at which inns are most quiet
          range of possibilities. We shall simply look at cultural and holiday   sketches and otherwise record their observations. They were             gave way to paid-for accommodation. However, for a long time,  is from ten o’clock at night until five o’clock in the morning and these are
          travel which reached its zenith with the Grand Tour, in other   even expected to feel specific emotions. Cultural historian Alain              neither precluded the other since the two did not really overlap.  the hours one should spend in bed […] One should never use a bedside
         words in the period between the mid-seventeenth and the late   Corbin sees the advantage of having to take a precise route, see                 Rather, they were two different systems that complemented   table in an inn, nor any other furniture of this nature, however clean it
          eighteenth century.                                     particular sights, draw certain comparisons and even think certain                     rather than opposed each other. According to where he might   may appear, for nothing is more dangerous to health. At bad inns, never
              The first to embark on this educational journey were young   thoughts during their travels. ‘On their return, the similarity of their      be, a traveller might have recourse to one or the other, a situation   eat stews or sauces, but make do with hot or cold roast meat, eggs, raw food
          British noblemen wishing to see the world, but the fashion soon   itinerary enabled tourists to find common ground with each other and to      echoed in contemporary travelogues. Even so, the inn occupies   or food prepared for oneself. Those wishing to stay at an inn should pay for
          spread among the aristocracy in the rest of Europe. The Grand   compare impressions.’  Since Lausanne stood on one of the routes               a  special place in  seventeenth-  and  eighteenth-century travel   one day at a time. This is a method most innkeepers do not like; all the
         Tour was a tour around Europe lasting from a few months to   leading to the Great Saint Bernard and Simplon passes, the town                    literature, sometimes as a commonplace, sometimes as a blind spot,  more reason to use it.’ 7
          several years. Its purpose was to develop the traveller’s aesthetic   is often mentioned in travel writings of the period. 2                   inasmuch as some travel writers almost never mention it. In other
          sense and his knowledge and understanding of different people   In the days of the Grand Tour, travellers seeking accom-                       accounts, it appears in various guises,  and is used by authors as   FROM GRAND TOUR TO TOURISM
          and places. While the clear aim of the tour was to discover the   modation had two choices – an inn or a private home. Each                    a temporal, spatial or thematic device, perhaps to mark the end   In the few decades between the late eighteenth and the early
          classical treasures of Italy, the routes taken by the young travellers   involved different expectations and social and even religious         of a day on the road or progress from one destination to another.  nineteenth century, the Grand Tour underwent profound changes,
          took them to many places imbued with symbolic meaning   considerations. From the outset, the relationship between                              It may even be the setting for an often well-chosen and striking   transforming it gradually from an aristocratic to a middle-class
          and  enabled  them  to  meet  other  travellers  and  well-known   innkeeper and guest was purely commercial and lasted only for               anecdote concerning safety or hygiene.                  journey. The Grand Tour gave way to tourism. Many of these
          intellectuals of the period. Clearly, they had much to gain socially   the length of the stay. By contrast, staying with acquaintances             To  get a  feel of  what it  was like  for eighteenth-century   changes affected the way people travelled. They involved both the
          and aesthetically from their journeyings, in addition to acquiring   (or acquaintances of acquaintances made through letters of                Grand Tourists to stay at an inn, let us dip into a fairly long extract   road network, with the building of new roads and improvements
          knowledge and practical skills. Accompanied by their tutors, the   introduction) involved traditional hospitality, a virtue praised in         written by Count Léopold de Berchtold and quoted by Heinrich   in road surfaces, and means of transport, and the introduction of

          Ganter Valley on the road through the Simplon Pass.                                                                                            Riviera, the Valais and the Alps. Engraving drawn by J.-S.-H.-L. Carrard
          Engraving, 1831.                                                                                                                               and lithographed by Jacob Sperli, 1830.

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