Page 62 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 62

BEAU-RIVAGE PALACE:                                                                                                world wars and the slumps of the 1920s and 30s – which, each in   were rushing to the beaches and lakes and taking to the roads in
                                                                                                                                                         major events of the first half of the twentieth century – the two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a frenetic desire for travel that was a heady mix of discovery of
                   ITS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EVOLUTION                                                                                                     its own way, challenged the luxury hotel model. The end of the   the unknown, the search for health cures, intellectual curiosity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and emotional compulsion. The construction of the Hôtel des
                                                    1861-1976                                                                                            Second World War marked the beginning of a third period that   Bergues in 1834 by Guillaume-Henri Dufour, modelled on the
                                                                                                                                                         culminated in 1976 – the year that marked the end of the post-
                                                                                                                                                         war economic boom – and which, conversely, testified to the   grand Hôtel Meurice in Paris, illustrates this early awareness.
                                                                                                                                                         strength of the model, making the luxury hotel an economically   Furthermore the equally great determination of the Montreux-
                                                                                                                                                         viable, socially gratifying and symbolically enhancing place.  Vevey region ‘which each year sees a great throng of foreigners settling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 there, and making a great deal of money there’ indicates that ambitions
                                                                                                                                                         1861-1908: FROM SUMPTUOUSNESS TO SELF-DOUBT             were already fuelled close to the Vaud capital.
                                                                                                                                                             The Beau-Rivage was founded on a commercial objective   Building a hotel in Ouchy meant outperforming these
                                                                                                                                                         that brought together people with business acumen and the desire   very energetic competitors; it meant doing things better. It
                                                          Laurent TISSOT
                                                                                                                                                         to succeed. It was a pervasive attitude in the mid-nineteenth century,  was not a case of simply erecting a building, but taking on an
              The development of luxury hotels is part of a sweeping   cannot always be precisely defined. But recounting its 150-year                   when the power of liberalism as a way of life was beginning to   entire environment. It meant contributing to its ‘embellishment’,
          economic, social and  symbolic movement.  The spaces that   history makes it possible to give a voice to the less prominent                    be understood and applied as a means of development. Lausanne   a fashionable term that served to indicate the reorganisation
          host them and the clients who stay in them take on a powerful   and less visible actors, from the kitchens to the hotel corridors,             was able to rely on some committed families, business circles and   that was felt necessary for Ouchy’s port, lake shore and town
          significance. On the economic front, the construction of these   whose particular professions and know-how make the running                    acquaintances capable of getting things off the ground. Albeit not   square before a hotel establishment, however luxurious it might
          hotels has coincided with the emergence of a local and regional   of the hotel possible. Recounting its 150-year history means,                the epitome of the system we term ‘capitalism’, these groups had   be, could have the least chance of success. From this point of view,
          elite class, capable of realising ambitious projects requiring massive   therefore, recounting the history of an enterprise that leaves a      a great number of assets just waiting to be put to use. Bankers,  the choice of location is not a secondary consideration. It is the
          human and financial resources. Socially, the existence of such   lasting imprint on our societies at many different levels.                    lawyers, merchants, industrialists, notaries, engineers, landowners,  decisive factor because, apart from the hotel’s primary function
          hotels embodies the core values of societies where recognition is   Due to limited archive access, this article confines itself                people with private means – between them they had the social,  – offering accommodation and food – it highlights the aspects
          based on hierarchies combining ownership, power and knowledge.  mainly to the first hundred years, in other words from the                     economic, symbolic and political capital to guarantee them, if   behind its construction: pleasing a public whose sensibilities are
          Symbolically, their impact creates images necessary for unifying   opening of the hotel in 1891 to 1976, a year that marks a natural           not certain success, then at least an achievement worthy of their   driven by (pre-) romantic fads in need of an opportunity for
          populations seeking signs of endorsement and trying to create a   break, due to the economic crisis that occurred at that time. Over           ambition. Moreover, Lausanne’s geographical location and the   expression. In the case of the Beau-Rivage, that is why it was
          coherent vision of the world to which they belong.      this period, the hotel’s history can be divided into three main                        site’s historical reputation were advantages, as were the arrival of   important that the founding company took the name of Société
              The Beau-Rivage Palace fits perfectly within this framework   phases. These are defined as much by the strategic development               the railway and the reorganisation of lake traffic. The instigators’  Immobilière d’Ouchy. It was this company that undertook to
          that enables us to understand why it was built and how it has   concerns that preoccupied the administrators of the day as by the              local strength would leave a lasting stamp on the establishment,  give credibility to the three founding pillars of this astonishing
          survived to achieve a success that continues to earn it worldwide   political and economical issues that marked history in general.            since both its management structure and its shareholder base   intangible economy that was gradually establishing itself at the
          renown. It is part of a groundswell that began in the late eighteenth   To a broad extent, these concerns overrode all other factors –         would be drawn, deliberately and for the whole of its history,  lower end of Lausanne: a lake, some mountains, a hotel.
          century, affecting the whole of Europe and North  America   no matter who the illustrious guests, devoted administrators or                    from Lausanne or Vaud circles. These strong local roots contrast   We shall not dwell here on the technical and architectural
          before extending to South America, Asia, Oceania and Africa. In   simple employees were.                                                       sharply with the international dimension quickly acquired by the   aspects of the construction that fulfilled these requirements, which
          other words, while the scale of the edifice is equalled only by the   The first identifiable period was from the opening of the                Beau-Rivage and of which it has always been proud.      are discussed elsewhere in the book. But a simple analysis shows
          prestige with which its administrators attempt to imbue it, the   Beau-Rivage in 1861 to the beginning of the twentieth century,                   Even so, building a big hotel at Ouchy was certainly no easy   that the Beau-Rivage did not capitalise on them to a point where
          Beau-Rivage Palace is not unique; it is in a league where there are   when the enterprise’s brilliant beginnings were beset by the             task, for it entailed a number of risks. For about twenty years   it became an essential port of call for the aristocratic elite and
          large numbers of major players. Recounting its 150-year history   question of its long-term prospects. The construction of the second          Geneva had shown all the signs of being the city chosen to host   European middle classes in pursuit of a welcome that combined
          involves identifying the reciprocal influences whose contours   building in 1908 saw the start of a new period that spanned the                the crowds that – now that the Napoleonic Wars had ended –  all the criteria of comfort, tranquillity, affluence and wellbeing

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