Page 99 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 99

2,500,000  35


 1,500,000  20



 1862  1865  1868  1871  1874  1877  1880  1883  1886  1889  1889  1892  1895  1898  1901  1904  1907  1910  1913
 vacuum cleaning apparatus from the German company Siemens   the directors demonstrated a remarkable capacity for adaptation,   of a more innovative pneumatic traction project being developed
 was preferred to that of Sulzer.  and were able to mobilise the technical skills and capital necessary   by Lake Geneva engineers. Because of their emphasis on safety,
 Finally, we can see that the directors of Beau-Rivage   to take up the challenge. On the eve of the war, the distribution of   the company’s managers avoided taking a risk that would have
 developed an awareness of technological risk early on.  In 1887,  a 30 per cent dividend testified to the booming tourist economy   allowed them to stand out and to play a more conspicuous role.
 Ernest Correvon-Mercier spoke of the need for optimal safety   that characterised the belle époque, but it was also the result of the   Having reached the end of the saga of Beau-Rivage and
 guarantees: ‘He called the board’s attention to the dangers of lifts. He   establishment’s effective technical modernisation strategy. While   technology, it is clear what an important part managing technical
 could not conceive of a lift without a manufacturer’s guarantee against all   some people, frightened by the slumps of the 1870s and 80s, were   progress has played in the Beau-Rivage Palace’s ‘success story’. In
 the consequences of the accidents that could occur during the lift’s operation,  advocating the hotel’s closure during the winter season, or even   this era of it, Internet, and renewable energy sources, it can be
 valid for at least ten years. He reminded the board of the accidents that had   Beau-Rivage’s downgrading, the hardier spirits preferred the path   useful to recall the capacity for adaptation shown by the belle
 occurred with the lifts of the Grand Hôtel in Vevey, and the Brenner hotel;   of investment and change, and succeeded in maintaining Beau-  époque pioneers. Modernise or die: the dilemma faced by luxury
 in the first of these accidents, a lady’s thigh was broken.’    Rivage’s first-class status.  hotels, now more than ever.
 During the course of the following two decades, the hotel’s   The hotel directors’ strategy vis-à-vis technology transfer
 mechanisation and electrification increased the risk of accident   could not, however, be described as pioneering. Unlike some
 for the guests and personnel. In 1919, the hotel was operating   establishments on the Lake Geneva Riviera, at the cutting edge of
 no fewer than 24 motors in various employments.  It controlled   progress, taking advantage of the promotional value of innovation,
 this increased risk by keeping to an equipment policy that   Beau-Rivage operated within self-imposed limits determined by
 prioritised safety. The new technologies installed were therefore   an attitude of caution and moderation. Not wanting to expose
 inspected regularly. The boilers, in particular, were inspected by an   itself to the risk of a too-rapid technology transfer, the hotel was
 independent company, while the lift was systematically serviced   content to be a ‘follower’, only introducing innovations once they
 by the Beau-Rivage mechanic. In 1898, it was decided to take   had been tried and tested by other establishments. In the case
 on an external technician for the maintenance of the potentially   of electric lighting, in fact, they waited for over a decade. This –
 dangerous motors.  This prevention policy seems to have been   sometimes excessive – caution caused a few problems. As soon
 effective, as the only accident mentioned in the minutes concerned   as the Palace was completed, the need for new telephone and
 the omnibus belonging to Jules Perrin’s transport company, for   sanitation facilities was already being felt, occasioning avoidable
 which Beau-Rivage was not liable. A number of insurance policies   expense. Sometimes lacking in a forward-thinking vision, the
 were taken out to cover the consequences of possible accidents. In   directors were often confronted with urgent situations and
 1898, the board of directors decided, for instance, to participate in   were forced to react to the threat of their competitors’ technical
 a collective insurance policy concluded between Winterthour and   superiority.
 the Société Suisse de Hôteliers. 68  Caution governed not only the choice of equipment but
 also the allocation of the contracts. By favouring tried-and-tested
 BEAU-RIVAGE PALACE AND TECHNICAL   devices and companies from outside the region, the managers of
 MODERNISATION: CAUTION IS THE BEST POLICY!  the sio did very little to stimulate the technical development of
 During the period between Beau-Rivage’s opening and the   the Lake Geneva region. The contribution of some directors to
 First World War, the management body of the  sio had to face   the transfer of transport technologies should not be ignored, of
 rapid technological development and fundamental changes in the   course; this applies particularly to the introduction of the funicular
 hygiene and comfort standards expected by the clientele. Overall,  railway in Switzerland. However, it was achieved at the expense

 Table 2
 Société Immobilière d’Ouchy’s financial evolution between 1862 and 1913.
 Hotel’s gross product / Profit (operating profit before depreciation) in Swiss francs /
 Distributed dividend as a percentage of the share value.

 98                                                                                                                           99
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104