Page 126 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Fig. 9

         The newspapers covering the conference did not report any    The Turkish delegation faced the same reactions as the                             Turkey signed an additional agreement at the Lausanne Palace;   Beau-Rivage Palace, while the Kurds held a protest demonstration
          serious incidents initially. In fact, a major part of the security   Soviets: ‘a systematic hostility towards everything Ottoman,’ as Maurice   and on 6 August, in the rooms of the Beau-Rivage Palace, the   outside the Palais de Rumine in the Place de la Riponne.
          operation was conducted outside Lausanne itself, with tightened   Muret, the leader writer of the Gazette de Lausanne, commented               Americans signed a trade agreement with Turkey.             It was a strange backwards glance at history for the Beau-
          border controls and the close screening of foreign nationals, some   on the Turks’ arrival in  Lausanne. Initially professing  to  know            ‘The event only makes sense when remembered with hindsight,’  Rivage Palace, whose commemorative literature and publicity
          of whom were turned away. Most of the threats were made against   nothing about ‘Kemalism’, Muret later became fascinated with it,             wrote Pierre Nora. In other words, the significance of the   brochures have appropriated the event, yet offer only a weak,
          the delegates of the two countries at war, Greece and Turkey, but   even criticising his old attitude and praising ‘the iron resolve of the    Conference of Lausanne should not just be measured in terms of   completely depoliticised reading of it.
          the police also kept the Soviet delegation under tight surveillance,  men surrounding Atatürk who will fight to the death for the honour and   what ‘actually happened’ in 1922-23 and its consequences, but also
          together with the Swiss politicians who made repeated attempts   freedom of an entire people.’ 22                                              in terms of the importance the event has acquired in posterity,
          to contact them.                                                                                                                               when considered in its proper historical context. For the Allies,
              Unfortunately, the security services were unable to prevent   MOMENTOUS EVENTS, REMEMBRANCE,                                               the conference was an abject failure, best forgotten. In contrast,
          an attack against a group of Soviet diplomats as they were finishing   AND GRAND HOTELS                                                        for Turkey, Lausanne was a vindication after the humiliation of
          their meal at the restaurant of the Hôtel Cecil on the evening of   The signing of the Treaty of Lausanne on 24 July 1923 at the               Sèvres, and a founding moment that is celebrated to this day. A
         10 May 1923, which claimed two lives and injured several others.  Palais de Rumine was feted in the city with a big public celebration:         monument to commemorate the occasion was erected in Ankara,
         The attack happened during the second session of the conference,  church bells rang out in honour of the special occasion and the               and the Turkish Ministry of Culture celebrated the seventieth
          to which the Soviets had not officially been invited; they were   whole city centre was decorated for the event, including the roof            anniversary of the conference by publishing a lavishly illustrated
          therefore not entitled to the same level of security given to the   of the Lausanne Palace, where thousands of tiny lights beamed out          book written by the director of the Ankara State Museum of
          official delegates. The ‘Conradi affair’, as it became known (after   the word ‘pax’ into the darkness.                                        Fine Arts, who commented, ‘Lausanne is a milestone, not only for
          the perpetrator Maurice Conradi, who wanted to ‘rid the world of   In reality, reactions to the peace treaty were mixed. The                   the history of Turkey but for the history of humanity and diplomacy’.
          the Bolsheviks’), caused a huge diplomatic rift between Switzerland   headline in the Gazette de Lausanne read: ‘The Lausanne Peace Treaty.    However, the event is as significant for what it hushed up and
          and the Soviet Union. None the less, the incident did not seriously   End of the war in Europe.’ The message in Le Figaro was emphatic:        denied as for what it created. The Treaty of Lausanne definitively
          affect the conference proceedings, since the city had brought in  ‘The Treaty of Lausanne is a momentous event in world history. For the       crushed Armenia’s hopes for independence from Turkey. Having
          a number of special measures to coincide with the arrival of the   first time, Turkey is being treated as a Western power. A strange turnaround   already suffered a genocide in 1915, the Armenians were now
          Soviet delegation the previous November (who had come to   of events! The war was supposed to have pushed the Turks definitively               deprived of their official minority status within a new Turkey
         Lausanne to take part in the debate on the Straits), including a total   out of Europe. And now, to the contrary, it has Europeanised them.’    which had been completely transformed demographically. On
          ban from talking to the press. The newspapers, on the other hand,  The Daily Telegraph of 28 July 1923 pessimistically announced               6 January 1923, demands for the creation of an Armenian state
          could not resist dramatising the event: one headline in the Journal  ‘the defeat of the civilised world’ and wrote of the ‘treachery’ of the   were rejected and the resolutions ratified by a number of previous
          de Genève of 30 November screamed, ‘The Bolsheviks have arrived’.  Turkish nationalists.                                                       treaties  (Versailles, Sèvres  and London  in 1921, and  Paris in
              The assassinations provoked passionate reactions from both   The Conference of Lausanne marked a turning point in the                      1922) were overturned. While the Conference of Lausanne was
          sides of the political fence. The left, which had already been   numerous ‘revisions’ of the Treaty of Versailles, because for the first       a resounding victory for the Turks, it was a disaster for Armenians,
          mobilised by the print strike, organised demonstrations in the major   time, one of the nations which had been defeated in 1918 had            Kurds and other minorities who, more than eighty years on, are
          cities and strongly criticised the stance of the Swiss Federal Council;   managed to reassert itself on the world stage. On 13 October 1923    still contesting its outcome.
          the right were less forthcoming in their condemnation, citing   Ankara was named capital of the new Republic of Turkey, which                      On 5 July 2005, in the very same room of the Palais de
         ‘extenuating circumstances’ and using the opportunity to strengthen   was officially recognised on 29 October. Modern Turkey took its           Rumine where the  Treaty of Lausanne was signed in 1923,
          their campaign against the Swiss Communists. Conradi was put on   place on the world stage: its new borders and independent status             the canton of Vaud’s Great Council formally recognised the
          trial on 5 November 1923 and acquitted shortly afterwards, on 16   were recognised and subsequently reconfirmed by a number of                 Armenian genocide. Shortly after, on 26 July, the Turks celebrated
         November, notwithstanding the evidence against him.      other treaties signed up until 1939. On 23 July 1923, Poland and                       the signing of the treaty with events in the Place du Port and at the

          Security personnel on duty at the Palais de Rumine during the Lausanne Conference.
          Photograph, 1923.

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