Page 138 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Fig. 3                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fig. 4

         warmer and a bain-marie to maintain temperature and a large   from Monaco to the Grand in Lucerne, then on to the Savoy in                      the heart – the so-called Hotel de Luxe, with its odious commercialism, its   towns. The restaurants of the deluxe hotels became symbols of
          tip-up cover to prevent the meat from drying out), the carving   London, the Ritz in Paris and the Carlton in London, he helped to             ostentation, its bazaar-style architecture with colonnades on the sixth floor.  everything that was wrong with the catering industry, places for
          table came to symbolise the dining rooms of the great restaurants,  spread the new gastronomic trend through the luxury sector. The            The Hôtel de Luxe where they try to replace the real with the phoney and   food lovers to avoid.  In the  1960s  and 70s anyone  wanting to
          especially those in deluxe hotels. In addition, it was nearly always   standard of food became crucial to a hotel’s reputation. The same       butter with margarine, where unnamed sauces stand in their multicoloured   eat well did not go to a top-class hotel but to some little place
          engraved with the restaurant’s coat of arms and, when not in use   also applied to shipping companies at the turn of the twentieth             bottles waiting to be spread over inglorious ratatouilles.  mentioned by the new restaurant guides.
          to serve guests, would stand in all its glory by the entrance. The   century. Here, too, it was Auguste Escoffier who paved the way,               But it has not! Chance, the secular version of Providence, has enabled   While nouvelle cuisine first emerged in the 1960s, the magazine
          head waiter would wheel it to the appropriate table and carve in   planning the kitchens and determining the menus to be served on             the home of the divine Rabelais to remain a food-lover’s paradise! The   which became the manifesto for the new style of cooking was
          front of the guests.                                    board the ships of the Hamburg-America Line. The Beau-Rivage                           souls of Grandgousier, Gargantua and Pantagruel, those superhuman eaters   launched by Gault and Millau in 1973.  However, it was not until
              The carving table became such a potent symbol of the hotel   Palace’s menu for 25 February 1875 is an excellent illustration. It           and drinkers, are still very much present in the land that inspired the   the 1980s, when numerous changes of ownership took place and
          to which it belonged that many survived the ravages of time. Even   displays all the typical characteristics of nineteenth-century fine        magnificent epic of joy, health and enjoyment of life. It is as though the   large international hotel chains were formed, that things started to
         when no longer serviceable they were not discarded but, at worst,  dining: soup and vol-au-vent, followed by fish and various meat              towers of Abbey of Thélème still cast their benevolent shadow across this   improve. The increasing influence of the restaurant guides and the
         were kept in a cellar or a shed, lovingly watched over by successive   dishes, grilled, roasted, with sauce, white meat, red meat and game      harmonious landscape where, as in no other place on earth, men recognised   desire to make the best and most profitable use of often expensive
          members of staff who remained firmly attached to an object which,  (see p. 145). And to finish, a selection of desserts, probably in the       and savoured life’s pleasures.’ 26                      premises led the owners of luxury hotels to hire young chefs
          in their view, embodied the excellence of the restaurant.  tradition of Carême and Urbain-Dubois.                                                  And that was only at the beginning of the 1920s. It was true   with the proviso that they raised the standard of the restaurants to
              Another item which often appeared alongside the carving   As  1914  approached,  deluxe  hotels  had  fully  adopted  the                  that the cuisine of the luxury hotels had sunk into a certain routine,  compete with the best in the business. This often involved a dual
          table in the dining room and rapidly acquired almost equal status   transformations in cuisine and table service and were able to offer        becoming repetitive, stodgy and second-rate. Decorous, formal   process. Alongside a ‘gastronomic’ restaurant, competing in the race
         was the duck press, made famous by the recipe for canard au sang,  an increasingly demanding international clientele the very best of           service in the dining room became more important than the work   for Michelin stars and Gault Millau toques with faultless service and
          or pressed duck, invented by Frédéric Delair, at La Tour d’Argent   the nineteenth-century bourgeois lifestyle.                                of the kitchen, as though the head waiters were taking some kind   cuisine, there was often a more affordable, brasserie-style restaurant.
          in Paris in 1890.  Very soon, the press featured in the catalogues                                                                             of revenge on the chefs.                                Deluxe hotels were once more brought back to the position they
          of catering suppliers. Among them were France’s two leading   DECLINE, STANDARDISATION AND REVIVAL                                                 It is revealing that in 1947 the finest restaurants in Paris did   had occupied in the days of Auguste Escoffier at the end of the
          industrial silversmiths, Christofle and Ercuis, who sold duck   Immediately after the First World War the middle-class way                     not include any belonging to a deluxe hotel. ‘There were four of   nineteenth century. To coincide with the return of the chef and
          presses to customers worldwide . These spectacular examples of   of life went into a sharp decline. Food was less plentiful, table             them in the middle of the 1950s, masters of their trade and able to make   the consequent return to gastronomy in its truest sense, hotels
          the silversmith’s craft (almost always bearing the restaurant’s coat   etiquette  became  simpler. The  most  obvious  symbol  of  change      the small but fortunate section of the population that frequented them   usually invested in a complete renovation of their dining rooms
          of arms) were also its trademark and a symbol of the quality of   was the gradual disappearance of the centrepiece. This was also              jump for joy. They were Le Grand Véfour, Lasserre, La Tour d’Argent and   returning them to all their former glory. Somewhat surprisingly,
          its cuisine.                                            the main reason why such objects were no longer found in hotel                         Maxim’s. There was none better. One entered these places with the swagger   with nouvelle cuisine, which meant food came ready arranged on
              These  two  crucial elements in the history  and personality   storerooms.                                                                 of an Austrian baron before re-emerging, the mind glowing from Mouton-  the plate, came the revival of a certain tradition of service. Nearly
          of the deluxe hotel can also be found at the Beau-Rivage Palace   Nevertheless, deluxe hotels were all alike, all of them bound to             Rothschild, the head buzzing with confused dreams of a future to be built   all gourmet restaurants rescued ancient pieces of silverware, trays
         where the splendid English-style carving table and the duck press   a slowly stagnating tradition. In his violent attack on luxury hotels       on knowledge just acquired. […] In those days Raymond Oliver was a   used since the hotel’s early days, plates, dishes and tea services
          are still on show today in the dining room.             in the edition of La France Gastronomique devoted to the Touraine                      kind of commander-in-chief of kitchens serving under the French tricolour;   dating from the opening years, from storerooms and cellars. These
              The importance given by the luxury hotel business to a style   region, Maurice Edmond Sailland, writing under his pen name                 a future Bocuse or Senderens’, wrote Le Monde.  Not a single hotel   were put on show in glass cases, so forging a link between the new
          of service reminiscent of the splendours of the royal courts went   Curnonsky, spoke volumes: ‘The Touraine is, of course, tourist country.    in the list.                                            approach and the origins and traditions of the establishment.  The
          hand in hand with a new focus on the quality of the cuisine. The   Every year a cosmopolitan cavalcade of bouncing buses and roaring motor         This state of affairs continued for many years and nouvelle cuisine   most spectacular comeback was that of the carving table which
          career of Auguste Escoffier provides the perfect example.  He   cars spills across this incomparable “national park” where the world’s most   – in the phrase first coined by journalists Henri Gault and Christian   reappeared everywhere.  Restored and resilvered, carving tables
          first went to work at Monaco’s Grand Hotel in 1884, where he   beautiful chateaus are reflected in the calm, slow-flowing water of that most   Millau – was the work of independent chefs who, like André Pic,  were either adapted for use in the presentation of new dishes and
          met Charles Ritz and began a career mostly spent in the hotel   regal of rivers, the Cher. The peaceful and, it must be said, profitable invasion   Fernand Point and other great names of the early nineteenth and   recipes, or simply displayed for decorative purposes. In much the
          trade. As he moved through a succession of deluxe establishments,  could have unleashed in Central France this malady that strikes terror in   twentieth centuries, were based in often unspectacular provincial   same way that people who have won medals wear them on their

          Waiting staff on the terrace in front of the Savoy Room.                                                                                                                                               Tables arranged on the terrace.
          Anonymous photograph, c.1920.                                                                                                                                                                          Anonymous photograph, August 1917.

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