Page 202 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Fig. 11                                                 Fig. 12                                                                                Fig. 13                                                 Fig. 14

              The hotel was so successful that three years after it opened   moveable glass panes. The following year the board informed its             them in an annexe. Moreover, we are frequently being asked for rooms   entire hotel complex was renovated from top to bottom between
          the same architects designed and built an annexe in the grounds.  shareholders that: ‘Electric lighting must be installed at the Beau-Rivage   with one bed, which we currently lack, and this is causing us to lose many   1997 and 2000, and the porch reinstated in its original form as a
          Known as ‘Le Chalet’, it was able to accommodate 45 more guests   as soon as possible or it will lose its first-class ranking.’  As more and   clients, particularly the French. These single-bed rooms must also have a   covered terrace.
         (fig. 15). The highly decorative architecture featuring coloured   more luxury hotels were installing the modern new lighting, its              bathroom: yet another modern requirement!’  The architects Eugène
          brickwork and gables was in direct contrast with the austerity of   absence at the Beau-Rivage was met with astonishment by clients.           Jost and Louis Bezencenet developed the extension project and
          the main building, and called to mind an image of the Alps which   Since they doubted the Lausanne electricity company’s ability to            work began in October 1905. The new building, named the
          increasingly appealed to foreign tourists.              power the hotel’s huge number of lamps, the board had its own                          ‘Palace’, opened on 19 June 1908. It could accommodate 145
                                                                  generator built in the north of the hotel grounds in 1895.  Two                        guests, but only six rooms had two beds.
         THE ALTERATIONS                                          more bathrooms were also added that year.                                                  The two structures were connected by a corridor running
              The  building  has been  altered  numerous times  over its   In 1897, in answer to the fall in revenue – ascribed in part to               from the west wing of the main building, whose ground-floor
         150-year history, in response to modern technology and an ever-  the decrease in winter guests – the board proposed either to install           area, which previously contained the main dining room, was
          more  demanding  clientele.  Before  1874,  two  of  the  rooms  in   central heating or to close the Beau-Rivage in the winter and take       completely transformed: a new restaurant was created, together
          the east wing were converted into a billiards room and smoking   on an establishment in Cannes. The first proposal was adopted. The            with a corridor lavishly decorated with woodwork by the Albert
          room, while the original smoking room was replaced by a reading   financial figures for 1899 show how the business benefited from              Held workshop in Montreux, fusing neo-Baroque and  Art
          room. This modification reflects the growing trend to increase   the new central heating system: for the first time in 38 years, takings       Nouveau elements to echo the style of the new building. Two
          and vary the communal areas. By the end of the 1880s, the hotel’s   exceeded 600,000 fr., yielding a 40 per cent profit. 47                    date plaques were put up at each end of the corridor to celebrate
          reputation had gone into sharp decline. The new general manager,                                                                               the two phases of construction of the hotel complex: 1908 (at the
          appointed in 1889, arrived to find the building in a pitiful state.    ENDNOTES                                                                west end) and 1861 (at the east) (fig. 18).
         The roof was leaking, the furniture was tired and the curtains torn;   From 1901, plans were enacted to increase the hotel’s                        From then on, the 1861 building would continue to undergo
          the rooms were too big and meagrely furnished, making them   capacity. The architects Théophile Van Muyden and Eugène Jost                     regular renovation work in a constant effort to give its guests
          look ‘empty and sparse’.  The general manager proposed that the   put forward a project to add an extra floor to the building which            a more comfortable experience. By 1962, all of the rooms had
          grand salon on the ground floor be completely renovated: ‘Nothing   was to involve the complete reconstruction of the fourth floor             private bathrooms. In 1930, the ground floor of the main building
          here meets the standards of a first-class hotel and this room needs to be   (figs. 16 and 17). As well as creating a hundred more beds, the    was completely refurbished.  The grand salon and reading room
          totally refurbished. The ceiling must be repainted, the gilding reapplied,  operation would have allowed the board of directors to build a     were joined together and the two original fireplaces removed to
          the wallpaper changed and the woodwork varnished in a darker colour.’    new roof that was ‘more aesthetically pleasing’.  When compared       create a double door in the side partition walls. The colonnaded
          He also wanted to improve the lighting in the entrance hall: ‘The   with newer hotels built at the turn of the century (such as the            porch, which had earlier been turned into a conservatory, was
          lighting in the lobby is dismal. It is the Beau-Rivage’s main public room   nearby Hôtel du Château d’Ouchy or a number of other luxury        incorporated into the new room, and its original facade
          where everyone gathers after dinner, yet at the moment it is impossible to   hotels on the Lake Geneva Riviera) the Beau-Rivage appeared       replaced by four pillars. The end of the 1930s saw another major
          read a newspaper or letter there.’  In addition, he believed that the   outdated with its simple facades and plain roofing. However, the       refurbishment of the public rooms, notably the restaurant and bar.
          fourth floor was in need of an extensive makeover: ‘Now that the   idea of raising the existing building was put aside in favour of            In 1954, the first alteration work was done to the exterior of the
          lift has been installed, [this floor] is important to us, and once it has been   constructing a new annexe, which the general manager argued   building, which up until that point had been largely untouched.
          redecorated to the same standards as the other floors it will be very easy   was the only way of meeting the new demands being made by         The receding sections were raised on the side of the lake, creating
          to sell the rooms, particularly because there are rooms with just one bed   the clientele: ‘The Americans introduced the concept of hotel rooms with   eight extra rooms. The work was repeated on the north side of the
          which the other floors lack.’  The renovation work was duly begun,  en-suite bathrooms. Many hotels in Switzerland have followed suit, in      building in 1968, so that both of the receding sections now have
          starting with the public areas. In 1893 the verandas were extended   Geneva, Zurich, Caux, etc. We could only have made these additions to     an attic storey.  The indoor pool below was built in 1978; it was
          and the colonnaded porch converted into a conservatory with   the present building by using up a great deal of space. It is better to put      converted into a spa complete with an outdoor pool in 2005. The

          L’Hôtel Beau-Rivage and the Chalet under construction.   Foyer of the Beau-Rivage. Photograph, c.1920.                                         Hôtel Beau-Rivage at Ouchy. Ground plan.                Hôtel Beau-Rivage at Ouchy. First-floor plan.
          Anonymous photograph, 1864.

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