Page 211 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Fig. 18

  1. William Haldimand, Édouard Dapples, Émile Bory-Holard and Philippe Bovet-Mumm.    25. ABR, Rapport d’Achille de la Harpe et Jean-Baptiste Bertolini à la Société immobilière d’Ouchy,
  2. Archives du Beau-Rivage (ABR), Programme d’un Hôtel à Construire à Ouchy, undated       19 December 1857. This system appears in Gindroz’s project.
     [summer 1857].    26. ‘Les 75 ans de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy (Hôtel Beau-Rivage)’ in La Feuille d’Avis
  3. In spite of the financial crisis, the Société immobilière d’Ouchy managed to allot almost       de Lausanne, 4 March 1936.
     all of its shares during the first issue, amounting to a figure of 600,000 according to     27. ABR, Rapport d’Achille de la Harpe et Jean-Baptiste Bertolini à la Société immobilière d’Ouchy,
     the Gazette de Lausanne of 21 April 1858. The journalist commented that people had       14 December 1857.
     begun to understand ‘that it is as profitable, and safer, to invest their money in the     28. Ibidem.
     canton of Vaud than on the shores of the Mississippi or Sacramento’.    29. ‘Les 75 ans de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy (Hôtel Beau-Rivage)’, in La Feuille d’Avis
  4. Roland Flückiger-Seiler (Hotelpaläste. Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit. Schweizer       de Lausanne, 4 March 1936.
     Tourismus und Hotelbau 1830-1920, Baden: hier + jetzt, 2005, pp. 50-52) can cite     30. Ibidem.
     only two cases of competitions held for the architectural design of hotel buildings     31. On this subject, please see Roland Flückiger-Seliger, Hotelpaläste. Zwischen Traum und
     in nineteenth-century Switzerland, the Hôtel des Bergues in Geneva (1829) and the       Wirklichkeit. Schweizer Tourismus und Hotelbau 1830-1920, Baden: hier + jetzt, 2005, p. 111.
     Hotel Thunerhof in Thun (1872).    32. ABR, Deuxième rapport du conseil d’administration de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy,
  5. ABR, Programme d’un Hôtel à Construire à Ouchy, undated [summer 1857]. The text also       Lausanne. [ed.?], 1859, p. 9.
     specifies that the kitchens should be situated in the basement and equipped with a dumb     33. According to the latter’s plan published in 1874 by Eduard Guyer.
     waiter, and the outhouses located in an annexe building preferably to the east of the site.    34. ABR, Deuxième rapport du conseil d’administration de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy,
  6. Having been privy to some of the projects, Louis Joël subsequently retired from the jury       Lausanne, 1859, p. 7.
     and was replaced by the architect Louis Châtelain from Neufchâtel.   35. Ibidem.
  7. According to ABR, Premier rapport du conseil d’administration de la Société immobilière     36. For a complete description, see Marcel Grandjean, Les Monuments d’art et d’histoire du canton
     d’Ouchy, Lausanne, printed by Georges Bridel, 1858, p. 11.      de Vaud: Lausanne, vol. 4, Birkhäuser, Basle, 1981, pp. 58-63.
  8. Motto: Time is money. François or Francis Gindroz (1822-78) trained with architects Henri     37. Eduard Guyer, Les Hôtels modernes, Ve A. Morel, Paris, 1877, p. 50.
     Perregaux in Lausanne, Jacques-Louis Brocher in Geneva (1842), and Hector Lefuel in Paris     38. Idem, p. 63.
     (1846-52). He is best known for designing Geneva’s Mont-Blanc Square (1854-63) and     39. ABR, Jacques Tschumi, Rapport au conseil d’administration de l’Hôtel Beau-Rivage,
     the University of Geneva (1868-73).      undated [1889].
  9. Motto: Ubi bene ibi est patria (‘Where you feel good, there is your home’) Lausanne-born     40. Ibidem.
     Achille de La Harpe (1807-87) trained with Henri Perregaux (1785-1850), becoming     41. Ibidem.
     his partner in 1836. Born in Italy, Jean-Baptiste Bertolini (1822-83) worked as a     42. Ibidem.
     plasterer in Switzerland from the age of sixteen, before being employed by Perregaux and     43. Ibidem.
     La Harpe as a draughtsman. In 1846 he moved to Paris where he collaborated with Hector     44. ABR, Rapport à l’Assemblée générale extraordinaire de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy,
     Lefuel. After returning to Lausanne, he rejoined La Harpe’s practice, becoming his partner       meeting convened at the Musée Industriel on 10 November 1894.
     around 1850. The work of both architects is influenced by the Neoclassical style of their     45. Designed by the architect Théophile Van Muyden. The building now houses offices, a studio
     mentor Perregaux. Their most important projects include the first waiting room at the       and meeting rooms.
     station of Lausanne (1856) and the ophthalmic hospital (1871-73), also in Lausanne.     46. ABR, quotation from 1895.
   10. Motto: L’esprit est comme l’or, c’est l’usage qui en fait le mérite (‘The mind is like gold, it     47. ABR, Rapport du conseil d’administration de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy à l’assemblée
     should be used well’). Samuel Késer-Doret (1813-1902) was related to the Doret family       générale des actionnaires sur l’exercice 1899, Lausanne, 1900. This text states that
     of marble masons from Vevey. He was responsible for a number of buildings on the Riviera       in 38 years takings had only exceeded 500,000 fr. nine times, and that the best year
     and in the Chablais region, notably the theatre of Vevey (1868-69) and the Russian       had been 1873.
     church of Vevey (1873-78), constructed after the 1864 designs by the St Petersburg     48. ABR, Rapport du conseil d’administration de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy à l’assemblée
     architect Ippolito Antonovich Monighetti (1819-78).      générale extraordinaire des actionnaires, 29 November 1904.
   11. ABR, Premier rapport du conseil d’administration de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy, Lausanne,     49. ABR, Jacques Tschumi, Extension de l’hôtel, undated [around 1903].
     printed by Georges Bridel, 1858, p. 11.    50. By the architect Georges Mercier.
   12. Eduard Guyer, Das Hotelwesen der Gegenwart, Orell Füssli, Zurich, 1874; French edition     51. See Nadja Maillard’s contribution in this book, p. 268.
     published under the title of Les Hôtels modernes, Ve A. Morel, 1877.    52. By the architect Pierre Bonnard.
   13. Eduard Guyer, Les Hôtels modernes, Ve A. Morel, Paris, 1877, p. 63.
   14. There are a number of plans in the collection of Jules Carrard (who became Bertolini’s
     partner after La Harpe) which may relate to one or more of these preliminary phases,
     but they cannot be identified with any certainty. The plans are kept in the Archives de la
     construction moderne (ACM) at the École polytechnique of Lausanne.
   15. Album des Vereins Schweiz. Ingenieure und Architekten. Abteilung Architektur,
     Zurich, Meyet & Zeller [1869]; Eduard Guyer, Das Hotelwesen der Gegenwart,
     Orell Füssli, Zurich, 1874.
   16. ABR, Rapport d’Achille de la Harpe et Jean-Baptiste Bertolini à la Société immobilière
     d’Ouchy, 14 December 1857; Rapport d’Achille de la Harpe et Jean-Baptiste Bertolini à la
     Société immobilière d’Ouchy, 19 December 1857.
   17. ABR, Rapport d’Achille de la Harpe et Jean-Baptiste Bertolini à la Société immobilière d’Ouchy,
     14 December 1857. The same source calculated that Késer’s 147-bed project would
     cost 806,000 fr.
   18. Ibidem.
   19. Ibidem.
   20. Ibidem.
   21. Ibidem.
   22. ABR, Premier rapport du conseil d’administration de la Société immobilière d’Ouchy, Lausanne,
     printed by Georges Bridel, 1858, p. 14.
   23. Idem, p. 13.
   24. Ibidem.
 Connecting corridor between the Beau-Rivage and the Palace.
 Photograph, c.1920.

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