Page 314 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Fig. 1                                                                                                                                         Fig. 2

                                        AN AMERICAN-STYLE                                                                                                management style, vision of luxury and aggressive expansion
                                                                                                                                                         strategy. For Hilton, whose career in the hotel industry had started
                  MANAGER AT THE BEAU-RIVAGE PALACE.                                                                                                     in New Mexico and Texas, excellence was par for the course. He

                                            WALTER SCHNYDER                                                                                              wanted the Waldorf because it was the leading hotel in New York.
                                                                                                                                                         The luxury hotels owned by César Ritz may have been individual
                                                                                                                                                        ‘gems’, but Conrad Hilton’s concept of the chain made his portfolio
                                                                                                                                                         into an entire ‘necklace’. It was for Hilton that Walter Schnyder
                                                                                                                                                         opened the Castellana Hilton in Madrid in 1954, remaining
                                                                                                                                                         there as general manager for three years; he then arrived at his
                                                                                                                                                         last port of call, the venerable old Beau-Rivage Palace at Ouchy,
                                                                                                                                                         where he immediately began to apply the Hilton philosophy
                                                                                                                                                         (fig. 1). Substantial changes and renovations followed both inside
                                                        Evelyne LÜTHI-GRAF
                                                                                                                                                         and out, and while some of the work may appear questionable
              The minutes of the Beau-Rivage Palace’s board meeting of   From 1933 to 1937 he worked at Shephard’s in Cairo as front-                    with hindsight, Schnyder must be credited for bringing the hotel
          27 March 1958 announce a dynamic new manager for the hotel:   of-house manager and deputy general manager. In 1938 he was                      up to modern standards and wooing a whole new set of guests,
         ‘The business in 1957 was marked by a change in the hotel’s management.  appointed general manager of the Continental Savoy in Cairo,           particularly those from the Middle East. Using his network of
         Following the regrettable death of Mr Schaerer, we appointed Mme   and in 1939, when he was 32 years old, he opened the winter                  contacts and bulging address book, Schnyder attracted a host of
         Schaerer as temporary manager, as already announced in our last general   season at the famed Semiramis, owned by the celebrated Bucher         celebrities to the shores of Lake Geneva, magically following in
          assembly. We then offered the job to Mr Walter O. Schnyder, and, owing   Durer family of Swiss hoteliers. Schnyder’s experiences at the        his wake, so that the guest lists of the Waldorf and Beau-Rivage
          to favourable circumstances, he was able to take up his position as early   hotel would leave a lasting impression on him, and it was here     included many of the same names (fig. 2).
          as 15 May. Mr Schnyder has fond memories of Lausanne from the two   that he forged his lifelong links with the Arab world.                         Although he dedicated his life to hotel management, Schnyder
         years he spent studying here at the business school. His early career in the   Europe was now on the brink of war, however, and the             still found the time to meet his future wife in 1959, with whom
          hotel industry took him to Lucerne, London and Cairo. He subsequently   dynamic hotelier was forced to seek work in America, where             he ran the hotel until 1979. For the next fifteen years he worked
          left for the United States, where he assumed different important positions,  he found a position as assistant manager at the Waldorf Astoria   for the Leading Hotels of the World group, an exclusive luxury
          notably at the Waldorf Astoria, owned by the Hilton hotel chain. He then   in New York. The attack on Pearl Harbour quickly propelled          hotel ‘club’ founded in 1928 with a strict admissions policy and
          moved to the Castellana Hilton in Madrid, and from there came to the   America into the war, and Walter Schnyder’s linguistic talents          stringent quality control.
         Beau-Rivage as general manager.’ 1                       were soon spotted by the  us Military Intelligence Service. In                             When Walter Schnyder arrived at the Beau-Rivage Palace
              Born in Lucerne on 10 June 1907, Walter Schnyder attended   1941 he was granted American nationality and employed by the                   in 1957, he was fifty years old and the hotel was celebrating its
          the Weggis secondary school followed by the business school of   us army’s information service for four and a half years. In 1945              centenary; when he died on 19 February 2007, shortly before his
          Lausanne, before making a first language study trip to Florence   he returned to the Waldorf Astoria as assistant manager, this time           hundredth birthday, the Beau-Rivage Palace was just about to
          in 1924. At the age of eighteen he enrolled in the Lucerne hotel   in the foreign department.                                                  turn one hundred and fifty.
          management school and subsequently completed a series of work   By the time Conrad Hilton bought the Waldorf in October
          placements in Pontresina, London, Zurich, Saint Moritz, Merano,  1949, Schnyder had already spent four years there, and would                   1. Archives du Beau-Rivage (ABR), Minutes of the board meeting
          Basle, Lugano and finally, in 1930, Madrid. At 23 he was fluent in   stay on for another five. He was thus able to experience Hilton’s             of 27 March 1958, 101st general assembly.
          five languages. Between 1933 and 1939 he spent his summers in   rebranding of the hotel at first hand, and also had the opportunity
          Lucerne at the Grand Hôtel National and his winters in Egypt.  of shadowing the near-legendary hotelier, renowned for his tough

          Walter Schnyder and Conrad Hilton in the grounds                                                                                               The Duke and Duchess of Windsor with Walter Schnyder in front of the Beau-Rivage.
          of the Beau-Rivage. Photograph, 1962.                                                                                                          Photograph, c.1959.

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