Page 318 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Asking the hotel’s guests to leave in it some trace of their passing   you to all the crew’), Anémone, Mireille Darc, Marthe Keller and         Véronique Sanson, Patrick Bruel, Françoise Hardy, Patricia Kaas,  receive a lot of media attention). It is possible that both suppositions
          other than in the accounts amounts to arranging a meeting between   Jean-Paul Belmondo in 1992, Woody Allen and Mia Farrow in 1991             Roch Voisine, Frédéric François, François Feldman, Michel Berger   are equally true.
          a person, with his or her life and preoccupations, and an institution,  and Bruce Willis in 1990 (‘The Beau Rivage c’est excellent!! Room 423   and Eros Ramazzotti. We also find the signatures of two leading   Some artists leave their signature without commentary – which
         with its organisation and history. A luxury hotel would not be able   was fantastic…’). Chronological coincidence has seen the mingling of      composers, Jean-Michel Jarre and Michel Legrand, and numerous   can still be worth seeing, as is the case with Grace Jones’s dramatic
          to survive without this union. In one sense, its guestbook is, therefore,  stars of art-house films and blockbuster heroes, modern celebrities   top classical musicians: the pianists Vladimir Ashkenazy, Ivo Pogorelich,  handwriting. But most have the good grace to include a kind word
          its justification. The tributes of the heads of state who stayed at the   and stars of yesteryear, French tradition and American professionals.   Pavel Gililov, Mitsuko Uchida and Alexis Weissenberg, the violinists   with their entry. Not necessarily an original one, but personal enough
          Beau-Rivage Palace in 2003 are the only remaining echoes we have   That is how tastes and styles harmonise: all differences and rivalry are    Viktor Pikaizen, Yehudi Menuhin and Pierre Amoyal, the singers   to make it clear that they were truly happy at the Beau-Rivage Palace.
          of the immense work created by their stay and of the simple fact of   forgotten as they find themselves savouring together the luxury of       Julia Migenes, Galina Kalinina, Francisco Araiza, Eva Lind, Juan Pons,  Almost all express a satisfaction that goes beyond purely material
          their presence in this place.                           the venerable establishments of the old Continent. Certainly, the time                 Kaloudi Kaloudov, Paata Burchuladze and Philippe Hutenlocher. And,  considerations. Yehudi Menuhin, for instance: ‘Toutes les fois que je me
              Unfortunately, it has to be said that the guestbooks of the Beau-  of holidaying is past. Most often these people are here for business, for   last but not least, the conductor Riccardo Muti.    trouve dans ce Beau Rivage, vous réalisez un rêve’ (‘Every time I come to
          Rivage Palace are a recent institution and one that has blossomed late.  promotion campaigns or for filming.                                       A musician is a nomad; a music star earns fabulous sums of   this Beau Rivage, you make a dream come true’); or Mireille Darc: ‘Ici,
         The first one was opened more than three quarters of a century after   The association between the unreal world of cinema and the               money. This goes a long way to explaining the profusion of signatures.  la réalité dépasse le rêve […] Je me laisse bercer sur les ailes du Bonheur’ (‘Here,
          the opening of the hotel, in 1939, and was used for more than half a   decor of a luxury hotel – and perhaps particularly of the luxury hotels   But that is not enough. Some – stars of bands on concert tour or divas   reality is better than the dream […] I allow myself to be cradled on
          century. The second was started in 1985. A third followed in 1990 and   on the shores of Lake Geneva, because even the landscape framed by     on a promotional tour – stay at the Beau-Rivage Palace for reasons   the wings of Happiness’). Many speak of their desire to return. Jeanne
          a fourth, still in use, in 2001. The books’ life spans are an indication of   their windows appears unreal – is no coincidence. Reality is reshaped   of image: they need to put themselves on show and to sell themselves.  Moreau explains why: ‘Dans ce lieu propice au travail et à la réflexion
          their rate of use: very few signatures from the 1930s to the early 1980s,  there. A luxury hotel bears some resemblance to the silver screen: it   Others – singers or classical artists – need a calm, relaxing atmosphere   créative j’aimerais revenir souvent’ (‘I would like to come back
          a peak between 1985 and 1995, then a sharp fall-off. These figures   is made to please, built and furnished to satisfy an expectation, cut     in order to be able to work and concentrate. A great media circus   often to this place so conducive to work and to creative thinking’).
          suggest that the hotel received few or no visitors of note for fifty years,  and edited like the ever-changing scene of a screenplay. And, for the   or a retreat: the two extremes are compatible and a luxury hotel   Georges Moustaki adds a mythological and literary touch: ‘Heureux
          and that it then became the place to be, before sinking back into   actors who make the smooth transition from the plaster-of-Paris            provides the ideal conditions for both. Perhaps we should add a more   Ulysse / Qui revient au (Beau) Rivage’ (‘Happy Ulysses / Who returns
          relative anonymity. There have been ups and downs, good years and   decor of a shoot to the stucco decor of the luxury hotel, there is no      intangible detail to these happy coincidences: the atmosphere of a   to the (beautiful) shore/(Beau)-Rivage’). D’Ormesson summarises
          less prestigious times. But the number of signatures also depends on   disorientation: their world does not change.                            luxury hotel, with its vast spaces, its lounges and passages, the contrast   it all: ‘Vivre et travailler au Beau-Rivage quelques jours est un rêve d’hier,
         who is in charge of the guestbook. During the decades that are short   The art that engages most readily with the plush world of the            between the sensation of intimacy and its opening onto a sublime   d’aujourd’hui et de toujours’ (‘To live and work at the Beau-Rivage for
          on signatures, those responsible had, no doubt, a tendency to forget   Beau-Rivage Palace remains that of music. Here, as in the field of      landscape, has some affinities with music, or, if you prefer, with the   a few days is a dream of yesterday, today and forever’). Singer Claude
          about it – and that is a pity because it amounts to a net memory loss   cinema, the luxury hotel is eclectic. All types of music meet here.    sound space, both the interior space and its projection towards the   Nougaro, moving off the beaten track, makes an unexpected return
          for the hotel.                                          During the same period of 1990-2002 the signatures of rock stars                       distance. A luxury hotel resonates musically.           to the very object of his attention: ‘Où vont les livres d’or quand ils
              The cinema seems to have certain affinities with luxury hotels.  mingle with those of singers, classical performers and variety stars. A       The world of the visual arts and design, on the other hand, is   dorment? / Dans un plus bel hôtel que celui-ci? / Impossible’ (‘Where do
         The names already mentioned were preceded, over fifteen years, by   brief review: in rock, soul, blues and pop music, we have Phil Collins      little in evidence: fashion’s Pierre Cardin in 2000, David Copperfield   the guestbooks go when they sleep?/To a more lovely hotel than
          those of Jacques Villeret and Richard Berry in 2002, Jeanne Moreau   and wife – several times: they are neighbours – Deep Purple, Art          the magician in 1994, the writer Jean des Cars in 1993, ballet diva   this?/Impossible’).
          in 2000, Sydney Pollack in 1999, Richard Gere in 1998, Fanny Ardant   Garfunkel, Mick Mulcahy, Grace Jones, Alan Parsons, Joan Baez,           Sylvie Guillem, actor Jean Piat, novelist Paul-Loup Sulitzer in 1992,   Lausanne is a sporting city. The presence of the International
          and Niels Arestrup in 1996, Mel Gibson, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Jean-  Ben E. King and the Gipsy Kings. Exponents of jazz, concentrated           comedian Emil Steinberger (better known as Emil), in 1991, and the   Olympic Committee (ioc) attracts to it a number of international
         Jacques Beineix, Ron Howard, Anouk Aimée and Michel Galabru   in Montreux, are more rare: only  Dizzy Gillespie and Michel                      writers Jean d’Ormesson, Maurice Denuzière and Hélène Carrère   federations and sports associations. The Beau-Rivage Palace reaps the
          in 1995, Jane Birkin and Pierre Arditi (‘C’est beau chez vous, très beau,  Petrucciani come to mind. In 1992, we find the Brazilian king of    d’Encausse in 1990. One thing is clear: writers are rare or, at least, they   fruits of this. Each year the Beau-Rivage Palace Grand Prix attracts all
          encore plus beau avec Jeannette’ – ‘It is lovely here, very lovely, even   bossa nova Gilberto Gil – who has since become minister of culture   rarely sign the guestbook. There are two possibilities: either writers are   the most renowned yachtsmen. Loïc Peyron (2001 and 1995) follows
          lovelier with Jeannette’) in 1994, Yves Rénier and Michel Piccoli   in the Lula government. Guests include an inexhaustible number of          an impecunious breed (and do not come to the Beau-Rivage Palace)   his signature with a little figure in the style of Gavroche, the famous
          in 1993 (‘Le Beau-Rivage / Le Palace / Deux navires / Merci à tous   singers: Étienne Daho, Alain Souchon, Michel Fugain, Sylvie Vartan,       or writers are an unprestigious breed (and they come, but are only   street urchin from Les Misérables. Olivier de Kersauson (1998) recalls
          les marins’ – ‘The Beau-Rivage / The Palace / Two ships / Thank   Renaud, Francis Cabrel, Nougaro, Michel Jonasz, Georges Moustaki,            asked to sign if they are members of the Académie Française, or they   that ‘La vie comme la mer vous amène parfois au rivage’ (‘Life, like the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Francis McCann. The Wedding of Princess Dolores de Bourbon and Prince
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Auguste Czartorisky. Photograph, 1937.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 On the steps on the south side of the Beau-Rivage, second right in the front row,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 King Alfonso XIII of Spain, on his left Queen Amelia of Portugal and King Ferdinand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Bulgaria. Behind Queen Amelia, the Count of Paris.
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