Page 379 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 379

THE BEAU-RIVAGE PALACE  work shows: history, personal histories do not comprise solely   it is also a complex and demanding enterprise bringing together
                  archive documents, although they are fuelled by them, while
                                                                          a great number of people, all fulfilling different functions within
 THROUGH ITS ARCHIVES …  memory can do without them altogether. If archives are needed   it. In the archives, these numerous roles, sometimes invisible
 SAFEGUARDING THE FUTURE  to give historians, for whom the past is also an invention, a new   but always necessary for the establishment’s smooth running
                  impetus and to ensure a range of different approaches, they are
                                                                          and the guests’ comfort, are reduced to abstract figures: income,
                  also a limitation, and it is useful to remember that they cannot   expenditure, additions and subtractions of profits, budgets, and
                  be reduced to and are not essentially designed for historical   dividend calculations for the benefit of the board of directors
                  exploration. They are the product of a double, even triple practice:   representing the shareholders.  The Beau-Rivage Palace is a
                  they are primarily the material evidence of the bureaucratic   company governed by company law and, as such, it produces the
                  activities and records associated with management. As a result,  requisite accounting documents for its management and control,
                  what we find in the archives of a grand hotel like Beau-Rivage   even though this is not mandatory in Switzerland.
                  are the numerous, and rather monotonous, traces that it would   These chronicles testify to a more mundane activity, belied
 Bertrand MÜLLER
                  be an exaggeration to describe as ‘accounts’: the pages of the hotel   by the serene luxury of the decor, drapes and velvets, and the
 I think that the concept of archives does not look to the past,  seem to be haunted by those long-dead aristocrats who used to   registers are filled with long lists of names of guests who come   dazzling glitter of imposing chandeliers that greet visitors. More
 contrary to what one might be inclined to believe. Memory is about   idle away their days there, outside time and sheltered from the   sometimes accompanied by a spouse, a swarm of children and a   specifically, the archive reminds those who venture into it that
 the future, and, for archives, it is always the future perfect that, in some   sound and the fury of the world. Magical, fairy-tale places, luxury   cohort of anonymous domestic staff. Even more daunting are the   luxury is first and foremost an industry, which employs workers,
 way, determines its meaning and its existence. It is always in that   hotels have enchanted and inspired a number of artists, at the   accounting ledgers filled with figures. The outstanding collection   mobilises large amounts of capital and demands heavy investments,
 temporality that archives are formed.  Beau-Rivage  and elsewhere. If we were to write the book of   of Beau-Rivage’s archive documents  is an unwitting testimony   but which also generates wealth, primarily for the benefit of the
 François derrida  Switzerland’s ‘places of memory’, these great ocean liners marooned   to the history of registering, keeping accounts, calculating and   shareholders.
 Le futur antérieur de l’archive 2  in the modern world would feature in it, peaceful monuments   classification. These registers are striking in both their form   The hotel is also a place of memory because it is a building:
 dotted around the luxury holiday map which have shaped rural   and their substance: produced for – and in the image of – the   built, fitted out and constantly undergoing alterations. At best, its
 Does this then mean that memory is not just a mass of hazy   and urban landscapes, determined the position of roads leading   hotel, they are often voluminous, encased in discreet bindings   archive conserves the traces of this sometimes chaotic history of
 recollections, but is, in fact, a project? This paradoxical question   towards them, and conquered improbable locations thanks to the   or identified by simple labels and even, in some cases, hinged; it   bricks and mortar, but it also reveals the gaps and the losses. Works
 highlights one of memory’s main functions, which is to weave   toil and sweat of anonymous labourers who have never rested   requires a physical effort to consult them; they must be handled   and alterations not only erase the earlier architectural substance,
 the thread of time into an intelligible notion of time spanning   within their walls.   both firmly and gently. All types of handwriting can be found   they can also result in the damaging, loss or even destruction of
 a before, a now and an after. And so memory does not weave   But far from the ideal impressions that they themselves have   within their pages – generous, cramped, economic or verbose –  archives. Were it not for the saving act, the inspired gesture of the
 together recollections of the past, but a past reconstructed in   helped to create, luxury hotels also lead us to less enchanted shores,   the calligraphic expression of the archive’s diverse nature.  ‘Beau-Rivage guardian angel’, the hotel’s archival heritage would
 the present, which we need in order to escape it, to project   to the sometimes mysterious depths of their archives. Memory,   Managing a hotel is not just a question of welcoming,  have  come  very  close  to  being  ‘tossed  into  the  skip’  when  the
 ourselves into the future while trying to make sense of the   archives… Paul Ricoeur made the connection between them in   accommodating, catering and entertaining, it also means writing   attics – where some of the old documents were stored – had to
 turmoil of the present. Doubtless for many memory is, if not   his recent book Memory, History, Forgetting  where the philosopher   and calculating. Accounts, analyses, operating accounts, ledgers,  be cleared for the hotel’s roof to be renovated.
 a quest, then at least nostalgia for bygone days, an evocation of   attempts to revive the link between memory, the place of   journals, balance sheets, mortgage contracts, day books, reports   No history is possible without archives, which implies that
 a time which distance, or hindsight often make us idealise as   memory and the archive that is its material trace, all of which are   and minutes of meetings – economic activity dictates the nature,  without the above-mentioned sources, this book would not
 ‘better’ and lost for ever. Luxury hotels belong in this imaginary   open to historical investigation. This solid, obvious connection,   the contours and the contents of the archives.  exist.  They allow the historian to check, compare and complete
 universe that is constantly being reconstructed to ward off the   this  almost  tautological,  redundant  articulation  of memory,   The lists and figures reflect an aspect of hotel activity that is   the information that memory or repetition may have distorted.
 anguish of disappearance and loss. While today they attract the   archive and history is not self-evident, however, and is certainly   primarily economic and commercial. A luxury hotel is in every   They form the ‘documentary proof’; they are the ‘place’ where the
 new middle classes on hurried business trips, their lounges still   not without ambiguity. As the diversity of this commemorative   sense a business. The showpiece of the leisure and tourist industries,  historian’s words can connect with the past, and find in it, if not

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