Page 384 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 384


                                ‘TRADITION AND PROGRESS’

                                                         François DUSSART
              When I am asked to talk about my job as general manager of the   The legacy of our prestigious past and the desire to keep moving
          Beau-Rivage Palace or to describe my vision for the future of the hotel,  forward has inspired the hotel motto ‘tradition and progress’. But
         I always find it difficult to speak in the first person singular. The truth is,  this is more than just a motto, it is a mission statement expressed
          and always has been, that it is a task involving an entire team, based on a   through certain core values – hospitality, excellence, pleasure and
          dynamic, harmonious relationship between management, the board of   tradition. Summed up in a few phrases, our aims are: to promote team
          directors and the principal shareholder. That is why I feel that the rather   spirit, initiative and innovation; to respect the tradition of an historic
          impersonal term ‘hotel’ comes closer to defining a reality which is the   monument and the surroundings in which it stands; to re-examine
          sum total of the goodwill, passions and experiences that have been the   the workings of the hotel continually and never allow it to ‘rest on its
          driving force behind the establishment for a century and a half.  laurels’ – an attitude to which guests are extremely sensitive.
              Since its foundation, the Beau-Rivage Palace has never closed   Today, the Beau-Rivage Palace celebrates its 150th anniversary
          for a single day, which is quite an achievement in a sector as vulnerable   with new projects – proof indeed of its vitality and assurance. The
          to economic fluctuations as the hotel business, an industry which   spaces at the heart of the hotel and the way they are used are to undergo
          is heavily dependent on financial and political conditions both in   a total rethink. The Grammont Room, where at present breakfast is
          Switzerland and in the countries from which its guests are drawn. Over   served, and the restaurant La Rotonde, will be switched around. The
          the decades, the hotel has been extended and modernised in order to   Bar Anglais and the lobby will interconnect. All of this is designed to
          respond to customer expectations and to expand and improve the   make these spaces easier to maintain while also bringing the hotel up
          range and quality of services we can offer our guests. A succession of   to date and achieving much greater efficiency in operating day to day.
          renovations and restorations has clearly shown we have a great ability   And since, ideally, we should never cease to have a dream, the
          to adjust, by adapting our buildings and our organisational structure.   hotel would like to restore the historical link it once had with Lake
              Encouraged by the continuing confidence of its guests, the hotel   Geneva. The idea is to reconnect – albeit only visually – the Beau-
          has fulfilled the demands of each new era while managing to preserve   Rivage Palace’s four hectares of parkland with the lake shore and to
          its unique character and maintain the quality of service for which it   recreate a landing stage, a walkway across the water in a contemporary
          is renowned. Recently, we have brought the Beau-Rivage Palace into   reinterpretation of the version used by the steamer companies until
          line with current tastes and marked its entry into the 21st century by  1884. After all, why shouldn’t Ouchy become famous for its boardwalk
          creating an elegant and comfortable spa.                or its pier, like those at Brighton or Deauville?

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