Page 109 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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This chequered history is a reminder that the concept of   interwar haunt of kings, princes and film stars, and makes the most   for the annual conferences of the main political parties (and to   taking long walks or drive(s) towards the fine golf course at Sospel’.  This
 the international grand hotel is itself not always straightforward,  of this lively and sometimes exalted past on its website, where the   some who have never done so, usually because their holding of   was the stuff of specialised interest rather than popular or enduring
 especially when a building’s career is not linear and intersects with   conference and its associated security measures (including a Royal   the office predated the foundation of the hotel or its use as a party   legend. But the Elstree Moat House Hotel, in the outer suburbs
 a complicated national and international history. The subsequent   Air Force observation post on the Great Pyramid of Cheops) are   conference headquarters). In this guise, as a local journalist put it,  of north London, shows much more interest in its own links to
 meetings of Great Power leaders at Potsdam, in the summer of   given extended treatment. 24  the Imperial ‘became the virtual seat of government on many occasions,  the soe and in other exciting aspects of its past than does the St
 the same year, also formed part of what became an extended   This should also remind us that associations with international   most notably during the momentous 1963 Conservative conference when   Ermin’s, even though in this case the actual building associated
 negotiation between the identities of palace, hotel and museum for   high politics and diplomacy are not solely a matter for Europe or   the leadership of the party was battled out within its walls’. The key   with the soe, the Thatched Barn ‘roadhouse’ hotel, built between
 the buildings in question. The Cecilienhof, part of the Sans Souci   indeed the West. The key meeting in the development of a provisional   speeches in the struggle between R. A. Butler, Quintin Hogg and   1927 and 1933, was demolished in 1989 and replaced by a new
 Palace complex, was the last palace to be built for the German   International Civil Aviation Authority, for example, took place in   the future Sir Alec Douglas-Home to succeed Harold Macmillan   hotel on the same site, diluting the directness and authenticity of
 imperial family, completed during the First World War but in the   1944 at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago, as 52 participant nations and   as prime minister were made in the Winter Gardens conference   the hotel’s status as a ‘real place’ with direct and tangible links to
 fashionable English Tudor style which had international currency   2 observers, with 955 delegates, laid the foundations for what was   arena, but the real power struggles took place within the hotel,  ‘real people’. It is now celebrated as the wartime site of inventive
 at the time. After its use for the Potsdam conference in 1945 it   to become a highly important post-war international regulatory   which ‘was busier at 4 a.m. than at 4 p.m. due to the seething mass of   secret activities, including the manufacture of exploding rats and
 became a museum, and part of it eventually became a hotel, in   organisation for the growth of commercial air transport.  The   people who just wouldn’t go to bed because of the great dramas unfolding’.  other devices aimed at demoralisation and destruction, while also
 which combined guise it became the heavily guarded location   Imperial Hotel in New Delhi, originally an Art Deco building of   Such contests for control, at a time when British influence was still   drawing attention to its pre-war incarnation as a playground for
 for the g8 foreign ministers’ summit meeting at the end of May   the mid-1930s, has been described as the place ‘where the nation of   genuinely global in its reach, were of far more than merely national   film stars from the nearby Elstree studios, and a rather louche spell
 2007, as well as for international gatherings on climate change   Pakistan was founded’ in the post-imperial settlement of the mid-  significance.    as a Playboy Club in the 1960s. Here the marketable nature of past
 and world trade during the German presidency of g8 during that   1940s, and visitors who are aware of its past are apparently prepared   An example of a different but related sort is the St Ermin’s   associations is based on their retrospective glamour and colourful
 year. Its earlier role as a base for top-level diplomatic negotiation   to pay a premium to stay in the old wing, to conjure up the ‘ghosts   Hotel, close to London’s Houses of Parliament, a middle-ranking   aspects, the tales that can be told about them, rather than more
 was emphasised in reports on these meetings, which may come   of Nehru and Jinnah’.  The relationship between grand hotels and   metropolitan hotel rather  than an international palace, which   direct association with great diplomatic events or international
 to provide in their turn an additional dimension to the future   international politics has been a genuinely global phenomenon, at   celebrates its lavish Victorian interiors (it was built between 1887   high society.
 mystique of the palace hotel itself.    least since entrepreneurs (mainly European or from the eastern   and 1889, and became a hotel in 1900), but is coy about its historic   Even a solid English provincial town-centre hotel like the
 Earlier conferences in the series organised by Allied leaders to   shores of the Mediterranean, in the first instance) started providing   role as the original headquarters of Special Operations Executive   George in the Yorkshire manufacturing centre of Huddersfield
 discuss issues of mutual concern during the second half of the war   accommodation with such pretensions wherever imperial   (soe), a British Second World War covert operations body directed   may have laid claim to an internationally significant past: it was
 might also be held in former palaces. The use of the Mena House   travellers began to generate demand for their services in the great   against the German occupying forces on the European continent,  here, at the end of August 1895, that the meeting was held which
 Hotel on the outskirts of Cairo, convenient for the Giza pyramids,  international age of steam, as in the case of the Raffles Hotel in   and about its importance as a meeting place for a right-wing faction   established rugby football’s Northern Union, which split off from
 for the summit meeting of November 1943 was a case in point.  Singapore and the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok, both founded in   within Britain’s parliamentary Labour Party during the 1970s,  the national amateur Rugby Football Union to form the basis for
 This attractive but eccentric hotel had been the royal lodge for  1887 as pioneer ventures in their particular parts of the world. 27  which might be thought to prefigure the emergence of Tony Blair’s   the separate sport of rugby league, which is now played in more
 the Khedive Ismail, enlarged in 1869 for the visit of the French   Nor  are such  acknowledgments  and  commemorations   ‘New Labour’.  Here we have an interesting past which requires a   than thirty countries across the globe. This has inscribed the name
 Empress Eugénie before passing into private English ownership   of meetings with international import necessarily confined to   certain amount of specialised cultural capital to be appreciated by   of the George Hotel in the history and foundation myths of an
 and becoming a hotel under the unpredictable stewardship of the   the great international capital city or resort hotels. The Imperial   what is unlikely to be more than a niche market of the curious and   international sporting body with an important cultural presence in
 Locke-Kings. The English novelist and travel writer Evelyn Waugh   Hotel at Blackpool, the most prestigious and politically significant   well informed, especially where the subject matter is the internal   France, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea (where it is the
 commented in 1930 on its ‘terrific charges’ and lax administration, but   establishment (opened in 1867) in a seaside town whose dominant   factional history of a national political party. Something similar   national sport) and the Pacific Islands as well as in northern England,
 praised the tranquillity, the luxuriance of the gardens, and the ‘very   identity soon came to be that of the world’s first working-class   would apply to the Hôtel Annunciata in Mentone, on the French   a distinction that the hotel itself proudly celebrates on its current
 great beauty of the surroundings’, while he enjoyed the picaresque   seaside resort, with an overwhelmingly domestic and enduringly   Riviera, where an international guide book in 1938 highlighted   website.  Here we have an interesting example of a meeting whose
 variety of international tourist life – ‘Australians in jodhpurs with   regional visitor trade, has dedicated its Number 10 Bar to   the presence of ‘the famous French statesman, André Tardieu, who can   original dimensions were small and provincial, with delegates
 topees and fly-whisks’ and ‘astonishing courtesans’. The hotel was an   celebrating the British prime ministers who have stayed there   be seen quite frequently with other leaders of the French Right parties   arriving from a relatively small area of industrial England, but whose

 Banquet at the Beau-Rivage Palace during the first International Union of Architects
 (UIA) Congress. The UIA was founded in Lausanne on 28 June 1948 with Jean Tschumi
 as chairman of the organising committee. Also present at the banquet was the
 honorary president, the French architect Auguste Perret.

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