Page 111 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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consequences  subsequently  acquired  considerable  significance  in   Grand hotels are attractive as settings for fictional as well as   and diplomatic memoranda that are created within the controlled
 the international diplomatic history of professional sport.   historically authenticated (and contested) encounters: they bring   ambience of the hotel meeting room, are much more accessible
 It is, however, no surprise to find that the global headquarters   together the public and the private in ways that are conducive to   than the informal and unscripted exchanges that the overall hotel
 of fifa, the ruling body of association football, the most pervasive,  the development of plot and character. Not for nothing, to offer   environment makes possible; but this is where the imagination can
 successful and commercially lucrative of all professional sports,  one example among many, did Anita Brookner win the Booker   take wing, and speculation displaces the cold textual analysis of the
 should be located in Switzerland, bringing additional lucrative   Prize with a novel set in a Swiss lakeside hotel.  When the hotel   surviving documents. The international grand hotel generates one
 business and diplomatic intrigue to the hotels of Zurich. Swiss hotels,  seems to be readily identifiable, the intersection between fiction   kind of history, and incubates the other; and this makes it both an
 after all, have a long tradition of providing luxurious hospitality on   and reality becomes an additional attraction for visitors, as is the   exciting and a frustrating place for the historian to inhabit, in the
 neutral ground for historically influential international gatherings,  case with the Hotel des Bains at Venice’s Lido, where associations   necessarily retrospective and distanced mode that the nature of the
 while at the same time playing host to dramatic events with   with Thomas  Mann’s  Death  in Venice (first published in 1912),   discipline imposes. There is scope for a great deal more work in
 international consequences. The Beau-Rivage at Geneva, which   reinforced by Visconti’s film of 1971, are further enhanced by the   this underdeveloped vein.
 opened in 1865, housed (in Room 28, as its website proudly informs   naming of the actual hotel’s breakfast restaurant after the novelist.
 potential visitors) the meetings of the commissioners appointed to   At Cabourg, on the coast of Normandy, devotees of Marcel Proust
 investigate British government liability for reparations in the affair   visit the Grand Hotel to recapture the lost belle époque ambience
 of the blockade runner Alabama during the American Civil War,  of Balbec in Proust’s Du Côté de Chez Swann, an identification
 while in 1898 Empress Elizabeth of Austria died at the hotel after   reinforced more recently by the English novelist Anthony Powell,
 being stabbed by an Italian anarchist, and in 1918 the constitution   who wove into his A Dance to the Music of Time novel sequence a
 of the newly established Republic of Czechoslovakia was signed   fictionalised account of his own wartime visit to Cabourg in the
 at a meeting of the provisional government in the hotel’s Room   company of an international group of officers and diplomats in the
 59.  Lausanne’s Beau-Rivage Palace hosted conferences at which   aftermath of D-Day.
 successive re-orderings of extensive tracts of twentieth-century   Such examples illustrate the inherent complexity of the
 Eastern Europe were decided. The agreement of 1912 that ended   relationships between grand hotels and their actual and imagined
 the Italo-Turkish War was negotiated here, ratifying the Italian   pasts, whether the dominant motifs are political or personal,
 takeover of Tripoli and Cyrenaica (fig. 3), and it was followed a   founded on historical encounter or refracted through the prism
 decade later by the protracted top-level meetings that culminated   of the artist’s imagination. Grand hotels, themselves the product
 in the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, at which much of the Ottoman   of a particular historical moment, are obvious locations for the
 Empire was formally partitioned in the presence of delegations from   meeting of cultures and for dramatic encounters between divergent
 Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania and the emergent   interests, channelled and constrained though these are by shared
 state that became Yugoslavia, and new boundaries were defined for   assumptions about the preferred and expected grammar through
 Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria.  Of genuinely global significance   which the civilised self is presented in a managed environment.
 was the conference of 1932 on war reparations and international   But  the  historical  encounters  themselves,  official  or  unscripted,
 disarmament, against a background that included the Nazi rise to   are subject to editing, re-writing and re-presentation, whether
 power in Germany, and at which Time magazine singled out for   by historians, journalists or advertising copywriters, placing layer
 attention the magnificent surroundings in which the final session   upon layer of interpretation between the events themselves and
 was completed, with ‘all bulbs blazing in the white and gold ballroom of   those who seek to access them. The formal outcomes of the most
 the Hôtel Beau-Rivage’.  (figs 1 and 2)  carefully scripted and choreographed encounters, the peace treaties
                  The Sandoz Room becomes a film set for a programme in the French documentary series
                  Des racines et des ailes (Roots and Wings), 15 April 2008.

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