Page 352 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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of Lausanne. From down there somewhere ascended a faint sound of   Bowles’s short story ‘Here to Learn’  spend an entire winter in a               After the affair’s tempestuous beginnings in the hotel, Albert   after a terrible scene. Although they are unaware of Isolde’s tragic
          dance music.’  It goes without saying that the view from inside   grand hotel in Ouchy without making any effort to find friends.              Cohen’s novel – from the mid-1930s – cleverly exposes the   death – which is inevitably on the reader’s mind – the past awaits
          these seductively attractive hotels is very different. Dick realises   Malika appreciates the elegance of the hotel environment. Here,         power and the difficulties of a relationship played out beyond   them in their next hotel room in the city. By an irony of fate
          this when he visits the son of a rich guest in a Lausanne hotel    in this neutral place beyond national boundaries and cultural               society’s conventions. Within the novel itself the story of its   Solal chooses the Hôtel Splendide, where Ariane had once stayed
          and finds himself confronted with the overwrought father: ‘Señor   divides, her relationship with Tex is in a state of suspension and          protagonists Solal and Ariane Deume is effectively prefigured   with a former lover, an orchestra conductor. After yet another
         Pardo y Ciudad Real, a handsome iron-gray Spaniard, noble of carriage,  entirely focused on itself. This young woman has fluttered like         by the interwoven story of Countess Kanyo – whose first name,  exhausting scene of jealousy, their hotel odyssey ends in a room
          with all the appurtenances of wealth and power, raged up and down his   a beautiful butterfly from one relationship to the next – and in       appropriately enough, is Isolde. The repetitions and parallels   at the Hôtel Bristol. Just as Isolde did earlier, Ariane leans over
          suite in the Hôtel des Trois Mondes and told the story of his son with   Tex she has found a rustic Prince Charming to protect her, while      connecting these two love stories are moving – and both stories   the balcony rail, ready to jump to her death. But Solal holds
          no more self-control than a drunken woman.’  And just a few rooms   hiding from him much of the truth about her origins and her                start with a night spent happily at the Beau-Rivage.    her back. It’s the place where they first met, the Hôtel Ritz in
          further along Dick meets his father-in-law, another decadent   past. When Tex, now married to Malika, finally wants to take                        Isolde, once desired by Solal, has long since accepted the   Geneva, which will bring their story to its fatal conclusion.
          figure: ‘The suite in which Devereux Warren was gracefully weakening   her back to his home in Los Angeles, the young woman fears              role of reader and foot masseuse in their rare meetings. When she   As we reach the end of this wide-ranging literary panorama,
          and sinking was of the same size as that of the Señor Pardo y Ciudad   that life outside hotels and restaurants may prove to be much less      finally realises that Solal is maintaining the relationship with her   it is tempting to consider the shores of Lake Geneva – which
         Real – throughout this hotel there were many chambers where rich ruins,  entertaining.                                                          purely through pity, she leaves for Marseille where she commits   are too beautiful for half measures – as the perfect setting for
          fugitives from justice, claimants to the thrones of mediatized principalities,   Similarly Ariane, the innocent and naive adulteress in Belle   suicide. In her room in the Hôtel Noailles, the unfortunate   doomed affairs. This is a place for extreme emotions – the painful,
          lived on the derivatives of opium or barbitol listening eternally, as to an   du Seigneur, can imagine nothing better, at the beginning of the   woman mercilessly contemplates the signs of ageing in the mirror   the sublime, inexorable destiny. After all this suffering, anyone
          inescapable radio, to the coarse melodies of old sins. This corner of Europe   relationship, than living with her lover in a hotel, and having him   and remembers happier times: ‘That weekend at Ouchy. It was the   seeking peace in the grounds of Beau-Rivage might find it
          does not so much draw people as accept them without inconvenient   all to herself. For Ariane, the night in the Beau-Rivage is a magical,      start of their affair. On the Sunday afternoon, after they’d walked together   beneath the old trees, among the box hedges and the geraniums,
          questions. Routes cross here – people bound for private sanitariums or   transcendent experience, and she relives it during a magnificent      along the edge of the lake, she had even refused him a kiss and had run   where the curious pet cemetery might bring Solal to mind once
          tuberculosis resorts in the mountains, people who are no longer persona   internal monologue while she takes a long bath to make herself       off laughing. And now, just a foolish old woman alone in Marseille who   again. Outcast by humanity, Solal frequently considers the fidelity
          grata in France or Italy.’                              fresh and fragrant for her lover. Solal is the focal point of all her                  had fallen asleep still wearing her hat.’ 38            of dogs, who love unconditionally and with no regard to social
              The hotel’s hospitality also guards its guests’ secrets. In   thoughts: ‘That weekend we spent together at Ouchy in the Hôtel Beau-            Meanwhile for  Ariane and Solal, too, the day-to-day   status, following their master anywhere without question. Solal
         Lausanne, the discretion of the prestige hotels and the discretion   Rivage you mustn’t forget that I am my aunt’s niece I wasn’t used to hotels   realities of love have become burdensome. Ariane’s dream of   might have smiled to read the epitaph, ‘Billy – our devoted little
          of Switzerland itself – a neutral state with a long tradition of   with quite so many stars do you remember this is the life for me I said     living together in the hotel, entirely wrapped up in one another,  Pal – 1919-1931’, a homage to unconditional love, that state to
          confidential banking – seem to go hand in hand. The paying guest   strutting up and down proudly oh yes it would be wonderful to live with     has been all too completely realised. And so the luxurious Hôtel   which so many guests here have aspired.
          is king – no matter whether ‘Monsieur’ and ‘Madame’ have the   him in a hotel and never see anyone else that day I spotted him walking         d’Aigle increasingly becomes their prison, a ‘love trap’, and Solal,
          same surname or not, or whether their fortune has been amassed   down the street I crossed to the opposite pavement because I wasn’t sure      whose outspoken support for Germany’s Jews has cost him his
         with suspicious speed. Hotel managers are fundamentally liberal   if I was perfect enough to be seen oh that night at Ouchy as I lay in bed     position at the League of Nations and his social standing, feels
          in outlook, while the discretion and attentiveness of the staff – at   waiting while he took his bath I groaned I begged him to come quickly I   ‘sentenced to passion for life’. For the first time he asks himself what
          least, according to the literature – increase in proportion to their   felt oddly disturbed by this image I had of a woman waiting in a shameless   has become of his former lover Isolde.  As the reader knows, she
          tip. These dubious guests, never beyond the reach of verbal abuse   state of nature waiting for the male in love with her own body which she   has not returned to her homeland as supposed, but has thrown
          or disagreeable encounters, can feel truly safe only in their room:   contemplated as she waited oh when he takes me I say your servant your   herself from her hotel balcony in Marseille. Nonetheless, as Solal
          in the lounges, the socialites are on the lookout, eager to size up   woman and I cry because I’m happy hollow-eyed inspired […] in the        poses the question of Isolde’s fate, her death seems to foreshadow
          everyone and assign them their place in the social order.  morning at the Beau-Rivage after shaving he came and we had breakfast               the novel’s eventual outcome.
              Lovers, by contrast, are in a world of their own – self-sufficient   together it was wonderful there was a little blob of shaving foam behind his   A year or more later, driven mad by their love in isolation,
          in their passion, with little time to waste on society’s concerns.  ear which made me want to cry and then I drew his dressing gown aside      Ariane and Solal are in Marseille and staying in the very same
          Morocco-born Malika, for example, and the American Tex in Paul   smooth tanned chest narrow hips and oh those clear greeny-blue eyes.’         hotel, the Hôtel de Noailles which they leave again, at night,

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