Page 356 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 356

HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN,                                                                                                  cries of joy and they drank a toast in my honour…’  Later in his diary   holidays at ‘Mme de Pallins’ boarding house, at Crin, below Montreux’,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In 1862,  Andersen, along with some friends, spent his
                                                                                                                                                         he added, ‘I have a room overlooking the lake. The four o’clock
                      AN ITINERANT WRITER IN LAUSANNE                                                                                                    meal costs 3 francs and is nothing special.’ He continues with a   where on 18 August, he received a visit from his friend Jules
                                                                                                                                                         touch of pride: ‘My room is that once occupied by the wife of the Prince   Jürgensen, who was staying with his family  ‘at the new Grand
                                                                                                                                                         of Joinville,  and my bed is also the one on which she is said to have slept   Hôtel Beau-Rivage’ at Ouchy.
                                                                                                                                                         in on that occasion. A few rooms away from mine, on the same floor (the   Having spent two and a half months travelling through
                                                                                                                                                         first) in the corner facing Chillon, Byron lived and wrote his Prisoner of   Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, Andersen spent
                                                                                                                                                         Chillon. It is no larger than mine but it has a small entrance hall leading   the night of 19 May 1868 in Dijon. At two o’clock the following
                                                                                                                                                         into the room so that it is smaller than mine […]. The hotel is small but   afternoon he boarded the train for Pontarlier and arrived at
                                                                                                                                                         pleasant, the staircase is covered with carpet, the tall external staircase is   Neuchâtel at about eleven that evening. ‘A harrowing journey in
                                                                                                                                                         shaded by greenery and flowers, in particular myrtle and pomegranate. In   the darkness through the mountains,’ he noted in his diary. On 23
                                                                                                                                                         the evening there is gas in the lantern giving it a festive look, but it only   May, he left for Geneva, where Jules Jürgensen awaited him. At
                                                Aase and Pierre-Antoine GOY-HOVGAARD
                                                                                                                                                         lights the greenery and does not reach the lake which stretches into the   two in the afternoon of 1 June, he boarded the steamer L’Aigle:
              During his lifetime, the Danish writer Hans Christian   By 1860, Andersen was a celebrated author, renowned in                             twilight with the mountains.’                          ‘The air was quite cool, there were big waves on the lake. It was shortly
         Andersen (1805-75) made some thirty journeys outside Denmark.  particular for his Fairy Tales, which became an instant success when                 On 15 August, in fine, warm weather, Andersen took the   after five o’clock when I reached Ouchy, where I alighted at the new
          For the period, he was a great traveller, spending ten of his seventy   the first was published in 1835. After this, he continued to produce   omnibus to Lausanne, went to a barber’s shop for a shave and to a   Grand Hôtel Beau-Rivage. Had a room on the first floor on the Geneva
         years on earth in foreign parts. He always claimed that he had been   them on a regular basis. He entered Switzerland at Romanshorn             bookseller’s to buy a copy of his Fairy Stories in French. Andersen   side. Ate at the table d’hôte. The orchestra played some good music. I
         ‘born in Denmark which was his home’ but also said that ‘to travel is to   on 13 July and visited friends at Brunnen and Le Locle. On           always travelled with his own books which he lent or gave to people   asked the conductor if he knew anything by Gade.  The hotel manager
          live. Only when one is travelling is life rich and vigorous’. As a man of   13 August he left Le Locle for Yverdon, which he was eager to      he liked. He enjoyed reading his folk stories and fairy tales in public.  did not know who Gade was, but the conductor said he was a most
          nervous disposition, it is much to his credit that he travelled at the   discover, and Môtiers, once home to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He         That afternoon: ‘I went for a walk along the lake under some beautiful   remarkable classical composer. I went for a little stroll along the edge of the
          time, but his journeys were meticulously prepared in advance with   travelled by stagecoach, so avoiding the tunnels on the railway            trees (a weeping willow). They are building a new hotel here in front of the   lake where the water washed onto the bank, while the moonlight turned
          the aid of guidebooks such as Baedeker.                 line between Neuchâtel and La Chaux-de-Fonds, one of which                             landing stage, which will be opened in March 1861 [Beau-Rivage]. In the   the water gold. It was a delightful evening for dreaming. I decided to stay
              Andersen discovered Switzerland between 17 August and 19   continued for ‘more than six minutes’ making him ‘very nervous’ on              evening, the mountains appear so close, their contours so clear, that one might   there all the following day.’
          September 1833, during a fifteen-month trip which took him first   the outward journey. Even though Andersen appreciated all things            imagine oneself in Italy. It was a peaceful evening. The lights in the little town   ‘Slept better than in Geneva,’ he wrote in his diary on 2 June
          to Paris, then to Geneva, Lausanne (where he stayed at the Hôtel   modern, including the railways, he loathed tunnels. After spending          on the other side of the lake shone as far as here. The stars appeared.’  1868, then ‘strolled for a while in Ouchy and here in the garden under the
         Faucon on Rue St Pierre), Neuchâtel, Le Locle (where he was put   a night at the Hôtel de Londres, he took the train to Lausanne.                   On 16 August, he began the day by writing to acquaintances   shady trees. There are very few steamers here, several hours pass without one
          up by his friends, the Jürgensen family who were clockmakers),    From there, he travelled by omnibus to Ouchy, where he stopped               in Le Locle, Copenhagen, Leipzig and London. Andersen adored   seeing the slightest movement on the lake. Strangely, people from different
          Neuchâtel, Lausanne, Brigue, the Simplon Pass, and Gondo where   at the Hôtel de l’Ancre, now the Hôtel d’Angleterre et Résidence.             these correspondences and he wrote and received vast quantities   countries pass each other by, neither knowing who the other is. One hears
          he left Switzerland for a long stay in Italy. Like all romantics, he   This establishment was listed as ‘billig’ – ‘cheap’ in the 1856 edition   of mail almost daily. Each day he dined at the hotel and bemoaned   English spoken everywhere.’ After a breakfast of fried eggs, asparagus
         was deeply moved by the Alps, finding them both majestic and   of  the  Baedeker  guide  to  Switzerland.  Having  been  raised  in             the fact that so few others did. A sensitive, sociable person, he loved   and ale to drink, he rested. At lunch, he chatted with an English
          menacing. He returned to Switzerland twelve times, in 1846, 1852,  poverty, Andersen was still very careful with his money, despite            company, which was why he preferred boarding houses, which he   lady and a gentleman who had relatives among the Danish nobility
         1855, 1858, 1860, 1861 (twice), 1862, 1867, 1868, 1869 and 1873,  the fact he was now comfortably off. He sometimes quibbled over               found friendlier than hotels.                           and was delighted to speak to a compatriot. On 3 June, Andersen
          staying in the country for a total of around ten months, two of them   hotel bills. This is how he described his arrival at the hotel: ‘In         On 17 August – a Friday – he took the 9 a.m. boat to Vevey,  took the omnibus to the station and boarded the train to Berne.
          in the Montreux area of which he was particularly fond. His longest   the omnibus to Ouchy there was a family from Berlin; at the table at the   stopping  at  the  Hôtel Trois-Couronnes. The  following  day,  he   His impressions of Lausanne end on a rather mean note. On leaving
          story, The Ice Maiden, is set entirely in Switzerland, where most of it  Anchor hotel where I am staying, they heard that I was Danish. “So, an   moved to a boarding house at Vernex where he stayed for a week in   the hotel he was entitled to a ‘very small glass of sherry’ for which he
         was written in 1861, and ends on the shores of Lake Geneva.   enemy!” said the man with a smile. I mentioned my name and there were             order to visit his beloved Chillon Castle, one of his favourite places.  paid one franc. ‘I’m sure they swindled me,’ he wrote.

          T. Müller, Ouchy (Lausanne) on Lake Geneva.
          Lithograph printed by Lemercier, Paris, c.1862.

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