Page 362 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 362

Fig. 1                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fig. 2

                                                 ‘OUCHYWOOD:                                                                                             hotel quay. Unfortunately, like most of Linder’s output, it was lost.  date. We are reduced to guessing from the clothes worn and the
                                                                                                                                                         In the many films commissioned by the city fathers to promote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 fact that the men are moustachioed. The men in jackets or frock
                                         BRIEF ENCOUNTERS’                                                                                               the virtues of Lausanne, especially those of the holiday resort of   coats sport straw boaters or bowler hats, while the apparently

                               THE LUXURY HOTEL THROUGH                                                                                                  Ouchy, the hotel forms part of the backdrop between the floral   uncorseted women wear loose-fitting dresses and cloche hats. A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 rough guess would suggest that the event took place in the 1920s
                                                                                                                                                         clock and steamers on the lake. But it is no more than a fleeting
                                           THE CAMERA’S EYE                                                                                              image from which there is little to learn.              or 30s. To date the images more accurately we would have to
                                                                                                                                                             However, the Cinémathèque Suisse houses a series of amateur
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 call on different disciplines and cross-check them with facts to
                                                                                                                                                         films donated to the collection in 2001. Shot in the hotel by one   establish the time frame when they might have been filmed. The
                                                                                                                                                         of the residents, Francis McCann, these are silent, fairly short, films,  history of fashion could tell us when such-and-such an accessory
                                                                                                                                                         sadly with nothing to identify them. As a result, we do not know   first appeared, while the history of motoring could reveal when
                                                                                                                                                         when they were made and their subject matter is often unclear.  a particular model came onto the market, and so on until we
                                                                                                                                                         Nevertheless, in one sequence, the south and north facades of   can reduce the possible chronology to a matter of months. Then
                                                          Bruno CORTHÉSY
                                                                                                                                                         the Beau-Rivage Palace are clearly recognisable, as are the hotel   we would have to trawl through a list of major world events or
              Any attempt to draw up a list of cinematic images of the   to create even more. Because of the beauty of the surroundings,                 gardens (fig. 1). We see a large crowd of people gathered on the   international conferences held at the Beau-Rivage Palace, of
          Beau-Rivage Palace is bound to end in disappointment. And   between 1934 and 1942 there were lengthy discussions of plans                      lakeside terrace, greeting one another, standing around in groups   which there were many, and correlate them with our approximate
          despite the fact that the national film library, the Cinémathèque   to build a major studio at Montreux, but they never materialised.          chatting, with some individuals moving from group to group.  timing. From this, a probable date might emerge.
          Suisse, has its home in the same city, it offers researchers meagre   The Swiss Film Commission, Film Location Switzerland, whose              They all seem to be waiting to enter the building. This elegant   But what would it tell us that we do not already know?
          rewards. Given the sheer magnificence of this prestigious hotel’s   purpose,  like that of other  similar  organisations in many other         assembly is a mixture of men of all ages and women wearing   That people usually got all dressed up for such gatherings? That
          decor and its ideal setting, it seems the obvious location for a   countries, is to attract and assist foreign film crews working here,        frocks and hats. The event that has brought them together seems   they would meet in the hotel gardens for a chat? That sort of
          film shoot. But we just have to accept that, apart from a few   wisely chose Lausanne as its base in 2003 – sadly, a little too recently       to be important since mingling with the crowd are journalists,  information is unlikely to add to our knowledge of this moment
          promotional films for the tourist industry, some rare amateur   to provide more examples of movies shot locally.                               easily recognisable by their camera tripods and the characteristic   in history. Our conclusion might be that ‘a picture speaks more than
          footage and a couple of brief appearances in full-length features,   One of the main obstacles to shooting movies in deluxe                    pose adopted by users of Rolleiflex cameras.            a thousand words’ – as a sensationalist celebrity magazine might
          the Beau-Rivage Palace has not caught the camera’s eye as often   hotels is the very nature of these establishments. They are designed             Another sequence, which may even relate to the same event,  claim. By the same token, a thousand words may say nothing at all.
          as we would expect.                                     for a clientele in search of tranquillity and discretion, some of                      shows us a crowd of people leaving the north side of the building,  Like the cameraman deprived of artificial lighting or the humble
              Whichever way you look at it, Ouchy has everything to   whom are year-round residents. Filming brings with it large                        apparently waiting to rush forwards into a line of waiting cars   passer-by who cannot afford to patronise such establishments, we
          make it the perfect film location: sumptuous interiors, open   numbers of people who make a lot of noise and clutter up the                    (fig. 2). Once more, greetings are exchanged as luxury limos   stop at the threshold of the hotel and hover on the fringes of the
          spaces, greenery, an environment that blends the urban and the   place. From an economic point of view the fees they pay do not                advance in front of the steps. Limited by the technical capabilities   colourful crowd without the faintest idea of what is going on.
          rural, historic backdrops, as well as its proximity to both water and   compensate for the disruption caused or for the inconvenience of       of his film, the amateur cameraman could not take pictures inside   Examining this kind of evidence leads us to conclude that
          mountains. The variety and diversity of settings are the answer   having parts of the hotel temporarily blocked off. One example is            the inadequately lit building. He made do with – or had to put   a picture per se reveals nothing. It only acquires meaning if the
          to any location scout’s prayers. The only thing lacking is reliable   Kiss of the Dragon (2003) directed by Chris Nahon and produced           up with – recording from outside the hotel. The comings and   author had some purpose in mind when he took it. These films
         weather conditions to guarantee constant levels of light, the very   by Luc Besson. Some of the action took place inside the Crillon            goings he captures actually occur before and after the event. What   were made by a resident whose hobby it was, simply because
          reason why the West Coast of the United States became the hub   in Paris but filming was moved to the Montreux-Palace, the only                happened during that event remains a mystery.           he happened to be there at the time. Without knowing why or
          of the American film industry. The many movie personalities   similar-looking hotel prepared to put up with the upheaval in the                    In the absence of any tangible clues, it is impossible to put   how the images came about, they make no sense and are merely
          known to have stayed at the Beau-Rivage Palace should perhaps   low tourist season.                                                            an exact date on these images. No one had the presence of mind,  descriptive. To give a shot meaning requires a complex creative
          have taken note of its numerous advantages, but it is more likely   Even so, the Beau-Rivage Palace has featured in a few films.               as in any good spy movie, to open a daily newspaper in front   process, which in cinema is commonly known as production or
          they were there to escape their professional problems rather than   Legend has it that silent screen star Max Linder shot a film on the        of the camera so that we can see a close-up of the publication   mise en scène.

          Francis McCann, amateur film shot at Beau-Rivage Palace, date unknown [late 1930s].                                                                                                                    Francis McCann, amateur film shot at the Beau-Rivage Palace,
          The south side of the hotel can be made out in the background. McCann liked the idea                                                                                                                   date unknown [1930s].
          of creating pictures within pictures, which is why he had himself filmed while filming.                                                                                                                The entrance on the north side of the Beau-Rivage is recognisable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 from the metalwork awning and stonework.

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