Page 365 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 365

Fig. 3           Fig. 4

 Many films are set wholly or partially in a luxury hotel, a   young man received no reply to his letters. Distraught, he pours   By contrast, the grand hotel in Berne is a compartmentalised   The contrast between two different types of establishment,
 location which, from the storytelling point of view, has many   his heart out to the kind-hearted Gilberte, who with the best   world where each area has its own place in the spatial hierarchy.  inn and deluxe hotel, can be seen to represent a way of thinking
 advantages. As a place to stay for short or long periods it brings   of intentions offers him the same advice and comfort that she   Rising from the foyer with its potted plants, bars and counters,  that was very much alive during the interwar years and which also
 together within its walls people from different backgrounds who   does to the rest of the troops. At her instigation, the comrades   swing doors and frosted glass is a staircase, this time enclosed   contributed to the rise of totalitarian ideologies, from communism
 would otherwise never meet. And because all guests are obliged   mount a concerted attack to try to unravel the mystery of his   within railings.  All these  obstacles that block the view and   to fascism and Nazism which predominated at the time. This
 to follow certain routes through the building they are bound to   lady love’s silence.  impede progress are a way of differentiating space according to   debate distinguished between two kinds of society, the one rural,
 cross each other’s path. As residents move up and down and back   The film switches between scenes at the inn at Courgenay   social class, and restrict visitors who, according to their status,  vigorous and generous, the other urban, decadent and restricted.
 and forth through public spaces large and small, there are endless   and others set against the backdrop of the Eiger in Berne, where   may or may not be admitted. The same segregation also applies to   On one side are those who defend the country, in a united effort
 possibilities for interesting encounters. Although it is an enclosed   numerous messengers are dispatched to find out why the young   social relationships. As we might expect, when a simple squaddy   that goes beyond social class. On  the  other are the profiteers,
 space where much activity takes place behind closed doors, there   woman is being so fickle. As the two establishments appear in   completely unfamiliar with such places turns up to act as a go-  sitting around doing nothing, intent on safeguarding their social
 is access to the outside, and external elements can easily find their   parallel, it is easy to compare them. The inn immediately suggests   between for the lovers, he is treated with utter disdain by the   privileges, protecting their assets and preserving the old order.
 way inside. The hotel is a microcosm, whose workings are based on   open space. It consists of a single large room – both dining room   receptionist, whose desk marks an insurmountable boundary   Even so, the film shows that the two worlds can be reconciled
 a clearly defined social hierarchy. It is a city in miniature, its long   and cafe – with several doors leading off it. Dominating the room   between the two worlds (fig. 4). The first scene in which the   through marriage and through the sacrifice of the noble Gilberte,
 corridors and spacious public rooms like streets and squares full   is a wide, uncluttered wooden staircase, an obligatory element in   Hôtel Eiger appears is equally telling. We see the staff busily   who despite being a friend to so many is not indifferent to the
 of frantic activity. Many film directors have seen the potential of   many a mise en scène (fig. 3). At different points in the action,   preparing for the flying club ball. In Switzerland, a country with   young soldier’s charms.
 the visual qualities of the grand hotel. Since so little material exists   other areas typical of every inn – corridors, bedrooms, kitchens,   a long-standing history of democracy and no aristocracy, what
 relating to the Beau-Rivage Palace, we shall look at a selection of   etc. – appear, but only when the plot demands. While this can be   better than an aeronautical association to symbolise an elite or a   COMEDY
 films in which hotels have played a key role.  seen as an attempt by the producers to save money, it also shows   provincial ‘jet set’? It is a clear indication of the huge differences   Billy Wilder’s 1959 comedy  Some Like it Hot takes place
 the director’s desire to represent the room as a place where people   between a city hotel and a rural inn.  in a quite different context. After a prologue in wintry Chicago,
 ROMANTIC COMEDY  can come together and socialise.  As the plot unfolds, it becomes obvious that the reason the   the second half of the movie is set at the Seminole-Ritz Hotel
 Made in 1941, Franz Schnyder’s Gilberte de Courgenay is an   The inn’s spatial function is obvious from the opening   lovelorn soldier is receiving no reply to his letters is because his   in sun-drenched Florida. In America’s ‘egalitarian’ society, social
 almost reverential portrait of a real person, a charming innkeeper’s   scene. A group of ravenous rookies pretend to be officers in order   beloved’s father is intercepting them and locking them away in   stratification does not disappear completely but takes a different
 daughter who, during the First World War, exercised her talents as   to be given the meal intended for senior ranks. The prologue is   his desk drawer – yet another metaphor for compartmentalisation.  form from that of old Europe. The only thing that matters is money.
 a waitress at the station buffet at Courgenay, a little village near   an opportunity to introduce each of the guests to the delightful   The denouement happens in the open air. The old gentleman   People’s family background and country of origin are unimportant.
 Delémont in the Swiss Jura. Gilberte lavished so much care on   Gilberte and, at the same time, to the audience. By presenting them   decides to scare off his daughter’s suitor once and for all and   The girls of the travelling orchestra whose peregrinations the film
 the hundreds of soldiers serving on Switzerland’s northern border   one by one, indicating what their peacetime jobs are and which part   goes in person to the parade ground to confront the arrogant   follows, are delighted to find themselves in this hotel. Each one
 that she became a legend. In the middle of the Second World War,  of the country they come from, the film also underlines the army’s   young man. For the occasion, he adopts all the clichés associated   cherishes the hope of meeting a millionaire who’ll marry her and
 Zurich film producer Lazar Wechsler seized on the story to make   unifying function which transcends social and cultural barriers. The   with the cartoon capitalists that appeared in satirical magazines   take her away from the sordidness of life on the road. Awaiting
 a film about mobilisation, an issue that concerned most of the   sudden appearance of the officers, all of them very much in the   between the wars – bowler hat, cigar, coat with fur collar and   their  arrival  is  a  guard  of  honour  of possible  suitors –  ageing
 Swiss population, in an attempt to trade on the success in 1938 of   Prussian mould – a reference which every Swiss understood at the   chauffeur-driven car. However, when he berates the young man   certainly, but willing – lined up in the rocking chairs along the
 another film about the military, Leopold Lindtberg’s Fusilier Wipf.  time – might be expected to lead to brutal punishment. However,   he makes the mistake of belittling his status as a simple soldier. The   hotel’s veranda.
 The romantic plot around which the film revolves brings   the soldiers’ sheer nerve makes the situation farcical and all they   conscript reacts with fury, accusing the older man of failing to do   As in Gilberte de Courgenay, the plot of Some Like it Hot is
 together two types of hotel, the inn at Courgenay and the Eiger,  receive is a good-natured and fatherly ticking off. The breaking   his patriotic duty. Disconcerted, the hotel boss leaves and, on his   driven by pretence. While in the first, the young woman’s father
 a luxury hotel in Berne where one of the young recruits worked   down of class barriers reaches its high point at the Christmas party   way home, meets a group of artillerymen whose proud bearing   contents himself with intercepting a series of letters, here the game
 in civilian life and where he fell madly in love with the owner’s   in the inn’s main room where officers and men gather round the   convinces him of the nobility of their cause. The decision is made.  of ‘let’s pretend’ is played to the limit. In this classic comedy, two men
 daughter. The attraction seemed mutual but after joining up, the   same table with no obvious difference between them.  His daughter will marry her soldier!  disguise themselves as women and bluff their way into a female

 Franz Schnyder, Gilberte de Courgenay, Switzerland, 1941.  Franz Schnyder, Gilberte de Courgenay, Switzerland, 1941.
 The main hall of the country inn: blonde Gilberte is carried shoulder high by all the   At the grand hotel in Berne, the simple soldier from Zurich is greeted with total
 soldiers while, at the top of the stairs, her dark-haired rival contemplates defeat.   disdain by the hotel receptionist. The reception desk marks a boundary, while
                  the decor of wood panelling, draperies and pot plants together symbolise the status
                  of the luxury hotel.
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