Page 70 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
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Fig. 3

         English lord, followed by his chaste daughters, would muse for weeks at a   We should however avoid exaggeration. Although the Beau-            instances too, the company’s financial robustness safeguarded   families who felt they could not adapt to the new living space that has
          time in the “Bosquet de Julie”. Today the traveller sets himself a precise   Rivage  Palace  made  economies,  although  it  was  in  financial   its immediate future and it did not need to resort to loans. The   been assigned to them. We know a few cases where families desiring to
          target for his journey, travels there and back by the shortest route, even   difficulties and although it demonstrated great prudence, it knew   reserves built up during the pre-war period kept the hotel out   stay at the Beau-Rivage Palace offered to deposit even considerable sums
          trying to beat his previous speed record for a leg of the journey, and he no   how to entertain, improve and renew. It also knew how take      of difficulty from 1914. The decision taken by the management   of money in the bank, enough to guarantee their upkeep for a long time.
          longer takes his time, as he is obliged to tailor his whims to those of the   advantage of circumstances. The signing of the peace treaties in   to pay off all its debts and therefore to increase its share capital  They were refused a residence permit. We regret this, without going so far
          stock exchange.’ 20                                    1923 saw an influx, albeit momentary, of clients. In 1936, too,                         further strengthened its position when the Second World War   as to criticise decisions whose real motives we do not know.’ 27
              If the customer had to economise, so too did the management.  France’s Popular Front government drove many French people to                broke  out,  ensuring  financial  independence  for  the  hotel  at  a   Clearly the war led to a series of misfortunes, acts of
         Economising – the word was continually repeated and dwelled   find a temporary refuge in Switzerland, to the benefit of the first-              time when most Swiss hotels were struggling to operate properly   compassion, but also of cowardice. The hotel management was
          on: economising on personnel, on supplies, on spending: ‘It is   class hotels. ‘What is certain is that the numerous social and economic       and were short on liquid assets.                        faced with a multitude of problems: staff being called up, their
          obviously important to attract the foreign visitor to Switzerland, and   measures taken, particularly in France by the present government, have    It is legitimate to ask who still came to the hotels during   continual replacement, complications with the police regarding
          to keep him there, but in the meantime we need to balance our budgets   resulted in a sudden and considerable rise in the cost of living, and have   those troubled times and why. The question is an important one,  the guests, the ‘excessive harassments’ of the unemployment office,
          by reducing our outgoings rather than hope for an unlikely increase in   caused a sufficiently serious general malaise there that many, trying to   because it is easy to conclude that all the guests hastened their   obtaining supplies, ‘the ridiculous questions continually asked by an
          revenues.’  Everything was an excuse for economising, but that   escape from it, have come to Switzerland hoping to find here a less           departure, anxious to return to their countries and their families.  anxious clientele avid for information’. 28
          too had its limits, because, unlike a commercial sector devoid of   troubled atmosphere. In Switzerland we enjoy, for the moment at least,     This was certainly true for many people. However, for others, the   The  hotel  was  dependent  on  the  measures  taken by the
          any strong symbolic value, luxury hotels have their own rules   the privilege of security and tranquillity that we must maintain at all costs,   hotel became a refuge at a time when fighting was transforming   federal authorities, while at the same time attempting to keep
          that mean that visibility is a crucial factor for an establishment’s   as much for ourselves as for our guests.’ 25                            the countries at war into cemeteries. ‘In Switzerland today we can   things running smoothly. ‘Besides the difficulties of obtaining fresh
          reputation: ‘All this naturally while taking great care to preserve the   Alarmed by the socialist and Communist threats, the French           no longer depend on anyone except ourselves. For hotels of the calibre of   supplies, of days without meat and the market without fish, it is not
          upkeep and the reputation of Beau-Rivage. Neither the property, nor   middle class and aristocrats who began to make up the majority           the Beau-Rivage Palace, the situation is difficult. We have some regular   always easy to apply the orders and rulings. While those of our guests who
          the furniture, nor the visible life of the hotel must exude that odour of   of the hotel’s guests had the necessary wealth to spend their lives   clients whose financial resources still permit them to stay with us, on   have done their own housekeeping understand the restrictions and are
          economy that drives everyone away.’  These restrictions also affected   in the plush lounges of the Swiss hotels. What’s more, even if it      condition, clearly, that they reduce to a minimum all their outgoings on   happy to submit to them, those who have always lived in international
          the personnel, too numerous compared with the number of   was not always possible to avoid economic fluctuations in a hostile                  luxuries and pleasure. Others have had to leave us to move into more   grand hotels have had difficulty adapting to wartime demands in a
          guests. But the management was opposed to acting from a purely   environment, it was easier to resist political measures. The Beau-            modest houses, since Swiss hotels are classified by category. Each of these   country that is not itself at war.’ 29
          economic point of view, because ‘we do not want to dismiss men   Rivage Palace  protected  its clientele,  firstly  by maintaining  its        has a minimum boarding price.’ 26                           Between 1914 and 1945, Beau-Rivage Palace lived through
          and women who have worked devotedly for the hotel for fifteen, twenty   prices at a time when second-class hotels and guesthouses were             During the Second World War, 75 per cent of the occupancy   the upheavals caused by international events without ever truly
          or twenty-five years.’ 23                               continually raising theirs due to the rising cost of living. It also                   came  from  a  clientele  of  sixty  to  seventy  guests  who  were   finding itself on the edge of the precipice. Even though the
              Another delicate aspect proved to be the relationship with   vehemently attacked the Confederation’s policies, particularly its            permanent residents in the hotel. They were French, English,  deficits announced to the shareholders reflected real management
          innovation, which was an important issue for this category of   refusal to devalue the currency. By maintaining a strong franc, the            Americans, Italians and Romanians, as well as a few Swiss people   difficulties, the operating accounts all showed positive balances.
          hotel. Cédric Humair demonstrates its peculiarities up to the   Federal Council deprived Beau-Rivage Palace of a means of easing               who had returned from abroad. But no Germans. They were   Dipping into the reserves made it possible to maintain a precarious
          time of the First World War.  The caution with which the Beau-  the burden of its high prices for its foreign clientele, which makes           grouped together in the original hotel building. The west wing   balance, and curbing investments also reduced outgoings. The
          Rivage Palace approached innovations was multiplied tenfold by   the hotel’s refusal to raise its rates all the more understandable.           was closed due to its high fuel consumption. The other 25 per   strategy was entirely one of cautiousness, mindful of the slightest
          the uncertainty that reigned from as early as 1914 right up to   The outbreaks of the two world wars hit the Swiss hotel                       cent came from passing trade, mostly Swiss, and the length of   murmur. Although there were some good years, the interwar
         1945. Its management acknowledged that this attitude contrasted   industry very hard, unlike other economic sectors that benefited              these clients’ stays varied from a weekend to two or three weeks.  years were a period of stagnation for the hotel. The hotel schools
          sharply with that of many other hotels, which continued with   from the new situation. In both instances, the Beau-Rivage Palace,                  The search for this type of establishment during the Second   were beginning to teach hotel management and operation, which
          their innovative fervour in defiance of the economic climate. But   like other establishments of its type, saw its guests disappear and        World War took on tragic overtones, however, for the populations   universities were slowly beginning to see as scientific disciplines
          defining the boundaries that nevertheless had to be crossed was   its rooms empty. But, in both cases, it was able to hold out, and            persecuted on the basis of their origin. ‘Some harsh measures have   in their own right, but their training was of little use in the face
          dictated by the increasing demands of the clientele.    in fact considered itself better off than its competitors. In both                     been taken by our authorities vis-à-vis the influx into Switzerland of   of political, military and economic onslaughts.

          The winter garden at the Palace. The handwritten message on the back of the postcard                                                           Beau-Rivage Football Club. Anonymous photograph, 1920.
          testifies to the town’s building boom. ‘Vernand, 19 September 1910. There are lots
          of places where one is tempted to enjoy a siesta: which would you prefer? More
          and more grand hotels are going up in Lausanne and Ouchy and ordinary houses are
          becoming quite rare.’
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