Page 75 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 75

Florissant and Lutétia hotels, which it had begun to renovate, to   But the success of the Beau-Rivage Palace also derives,   profile of its personnel. Precise lists were drawn up, giving names,   Carpenter  1  Electricians  2
 Beau-Rivage, the municipality of Lausanne gave the hotel the   as  de  Crousaz  says,  from  the  active  commitment  of  the  staff   jobs, salaries and qualifications. If we confine ourselves to the   Polisher  1  Upholsterers  3
 opportunity to consolidate its grip on the district and to see off   who care about the functioning of the operation as a whole. It   lists of 1948, we can draw up an inventory of 40 occupations,   Gardeners   5  Painters  2
 any competitors. A company was constituted with the corporate   is appropriate here to mention the hotel’s personnel, and not   including management (table 3).   Apprentices  5  Heating technicians  2
 name La Résidence, Ouchy-Lausanne, fully underwritten by   simply as a matter of duty. The Beau-Rivage Palace is first and   Men and women worked together in a ratio of two thirds   Cellarman   1  Window cleaner  1
 the Beau-Rivage Palace. The two hotels were run by a manager   foremost an enterprise that pursues business objectives and   men to one third women. There were marked variations in staff   Silver cleaner   1  Cooks  22
 under the supervision of W. Schnyder. For the Beau-Rivage   which has the human and material resources to achieve these.   numbers depending on the month. The ‘busy’ months required   Coffee makers   2  Pot washers  2
 Palace, this lease had no commercial objective. Its only purpose   From this viewpoint, it is worth considering the less visible, but   more staff than the winter months, which were less attractive to   Kitchen hands   12  Housekeepers  7
 was to ‘ensure the vicinity of establishments whose operation would not   no less decisive effects that this hotel industry has on society as   the clientele. This particularly affected those occupations directly   Telephonists   3  Linen room assistants  12
 disturb the tranquillity sought by the guests of Beau-Rivage and therefore   a whole, at all levels. These are many and particularly concern   associated with service, the kitchen, housekeeping and cleaning.   Driver   1  Hall porters  10
 damage our own business’.    numerous small traders of all sorts, suppliers, both local and more   The number of gardeners, mechanics and other trades assigned to   Floor porters  8  Night driver  1
 In 1958, the chairman of the board of directors, R. de Crousaz,  distant, of products necessary to the hotel. Above all, these effects   the upkeep of the building remained stable.   Chambermaids   10  Assistant chambermaids  5
 summarised the impressive evolution that the Beau-Rivage Palace   can be measured in the employment of diverse personnel. While   A more detailed analysis would enable us to pinpoint specific   Restaurant staff  2  Maîtres d’hôtel  4
 had undergone in a hundred years. ‘Since the hotel’s inception, year   the Beau-Rivage Palace is classed as a grand hotel as far as the   developments in each occupation and to evaluate their degree of   Barman  1  Floor staff  4
 after year, our installations have constantly been adapted to the needs and   hotel industry is concerned, from the point of view of its size it   improvement, as well as their demands. The Beau-Rivage Palace   Relief cook  1  Mail room supervisor  1
 the tastes of the times. I do not want to list all the transformations that   joins the large battalions of Swiss smes. We have not referred to   is a provider of employment, but also a creator of knowledge   Demi chefs  4  Head station waiters  6
 have affected both the facades and the interiors, but I would like to remind   this aspect previously because, although the archives are full of   and expertise.  Trainees  0  Waiters  17
 you that, in the beginning, the sole building had only one cold-water tap   material on other subjects, they are more discreet on this one. It   Pantry staff   4  Staff canteen assistants  2
 on each floor, located in the chambermaid’s storeroom. Only the kitchen   is not due to indifference.  Chambermaids   2  Receptionists  7
                                                                            (staff accommodation)
 had hot water; the bath was in an annexe to the hotel and guests had   A detailed analysis of the accounts would reveal the size of
 to register in advance. The hotel was lit by candles and oil and paraffin   the staff at the Beau-Rivage Palace and the changes. It would also   Administration  2  Management  2
 lamps, and by gas in the public rooms. Finally, the rooms were heated   show the distribution of the personnel (kitchen, housekeeping
 by fireplaces in which whole forests of beech trees burned. Today we have   staff, etc.): just two of the tasks that we have not been able to   SUMMARY
 four buildings. With only a few exceptions, all the guest rooms have a full   carry out for the purposes of this article. In any case these figures   Management   2  Male  138
 bathroom, electricity, telephone, radio and, in general, all the refinements   would necessarily be incomplete given that staff earnings, in   Employees and apprentices  159  Female  40
 necessary for a demanding clientele, and for staff who are increasingly hard   some cases, are based on tips and the amounts are only rarely   Tradesmen  17
 to find and satisfy.’ 40  recorded in our sources. On the other hand, it would not always   Total   178
 While these words testify to the hotel industry’s adaptation   be possible to determine evolutions in the number of employees,
 to the changing tastes and habits of society in general, they   nor  in  their  origins. There  are  occasional  mentions  that  give
 also bear witness to luxury hotels’ ability to pave the way and   some insights. We know that in 1918 the Beau-Rivage Palace
 sometimes anticipate developments. Luxury is not just about   employed 120 people. Given that the construction of the annexe
 satisfying the whims of a well-to-do class eager to consume all   in 1908 required the hiring of extra staff, is it reasonable to infer
 that is needless or extravagant. Nor is it merely the need for   that before then, and from the hotel’s inception, around a hundred
 social recognition that obsesses each generation. The significance   employees had been necessary? It adds up.
 of luxury is that it also influences standards of living, consumer   At the end of the Second World War, the management
 desires and social aspirations.  wanted to streamline and was eager to know more about the

                                                                          Table 3
                                                                          List of trades and persons working at the hotel in August 1948.

 74                                                                                                                           75
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80