Page 90 - Livre Beau Rivage Palace
P. 90

Fig. 9
          range made it possible to supply the whole hotel with hot water.  LIGHTING AND HEATING                                                         on a par with the newest first-class hotels. Noblesse oblige: Beau-Rivage   to Switzerland, but to the fact that they are staying longer and spending
          By 1880, the latrine system was also showing its limitations. To   Lighting techniques evolved rapidly in the nineteenth century.              has to introduce those improvements today. These include electric lights.’    less, and above all to the large number of hotels that have been built and
          eliminate the offensive odours, the toilets were progressively  At first, the desire to vanquish darkness was expressed mainly in                  In  November  of  the  same  year,  an  extraordinary  general   to the fierce competition this has caused. Finally, we have missed out
          equipped with water-closet systems. However, building bathrooms   the public spaces of large cities, where nightlife was becoming              meeting approved the project and the budget. A 40-cv hydraulic   on the winter season two years running. The same applies to Vevey and
          and toilets on each floor meant reduced profit. The directors were   more intense.  Considerations of policing and road safety, but            turbine, operated by the waters of Lake Bret, was to drive a dynamo   Lausanne. Have the new hotels of Montreux perhaps lured away our
          loath to sacrifice the revenue of several rooms to satisfy hygiene   also of attractiveness and prestige, prompted an improvement in           able to power 800 incandescent lamps and 10 electric arcs. At the   former guests? Has the harshness of these two winters perhaps also driven
          requirements.                                           public lighting, until then provided by oil lamps. In Switzerland,                     instigation of the municipal authorities, the Ouchy bandstand was   them away?’ 46
              At the turn of the century, the model of the American   the towns of Bern (1843), Geneva (1844) and Lausanne (1846)                        also lit with this new energy source.                       Several solutions were consequently suggested: simply
          room with en-suite bathroom and toilet started to be emulated   were the first to be equipped with gas systems.  But the new                       The decision to build the Palace, taken in 1905, called for a   closing during the winter months, operating at a more modest
          in some big European hotels. As we have already seen, the need   lighting method was little used indoors; here candles and then oil            new choice of technology, because the installations in use were   level, operating another Lausanne hotel or even buying a hotel
          to compete was one of the reasons for building the Palace,  lamps dominated the market. Luxury hotels were an exception,                       no longer able to satisfy total consumption needs.  The question   on the French Riviera. However, it was decided to leave things
          fitted with the very latest sanitation facilities. In 1905 and 1910,  however; for reasons of convenience and prestige, it was considered      was whether Beau-Rivage wanted to continue to produce its own   as they were.
          major renovation work was also carried out in the original   appropriate to introduce gas lighting. Installed in Beau-Rivage in                electricity or be supplied by the municipal network set up in   As soon as the new manager Tschumi arrived at the helm
          buildings: ‘Mr de Crousaz, then Mr Dapples, on behalf of the works   1861, this luxury mode of illumination underwent only a few               1901. A midway solution was finally adopted. The construction of   of the hotel in 1889, he was unstinting in his efforts to revitalise
          committee, cited the foreign guests’ and Mr Tschumi’s insistence as the   alterations in the following decades. These mainly concerned         a plant with storage batteries made it possible to purchase energy   the winter season. An initial programme, in 1890, envisaged the
          reason for the speed with which these works were carried out, as their   improving the lighting of the hotel’s surroundings, in particular     from the municipal utility company at a preferential night tariff   creation of a kursaal (a sketch played out in a spa hotel) in Lausanne
          execution was of the utmost urgency’.  Many rooms were sacrificed   the park and the promenade. 39                                             of 5 centimes/kWh. According to the estimate, it would cost   or Ouchy, dances and the installation of a lounge, billiards room
          in order to install water-closets and bathrooms on each floor.   During the belle époque, adapting to the progress of                          36,000 fr. a year, instead of the estimated 45,000 fr. and 73,000   and games room, as well as the construction of a terrace, carried
         In 1908, a new laundry was also built in the basement of the   electric lighting was a major challenge. The Edison system of an                 fr. for the other two options. As for water, the public utility made   out in 1893.  By 1897, a new campaign was presented to the
          original building.                                      incandescent  lamp,  exhibited in Paris in  1881,  produced a less                     it possible to reduce operating costs considerably. In 1911, the   board of directors. Apart from putting in a central heating system,
              Water was the guests’ basic drink and a personal hygiene   dazzling light that could be used in interior spaces.  Despite its              installation was already no longer sufficient to meet the rise in   considered to be indispensable, Tschumi proposed the development
          requisite, but it was also important for generating power. Before   high cost, electricity met with interest from the hotel business,          consumption, partly due to the mechanisation of Beau-Rivage,  of a spa and leisure centre in Ouchy: ‘The proposed scheme consists
          electricity could be transported over long distances, which   where its hygienic and practical qualities were appreciated. But                 which increased daytime electricity usage. Between 1903 and   of building in Ouchy, on the north side of the Longchamp land, a bathing
          became possible in the late 1880s, pressurised-water networks   the various management bodies were primarily motivated by its                  1914, the hotel installed electric clocks and a refrigerated cabinet,  establishment offering all the latest advances in hydrotherapy, plain baths,
          provided many Swiss towns with cheap power.  In Lausanne,  capacity to fascinate guests, which made it an excellent promotional                and acquired a vacuum cleaner and a silver-cleaning machine.  electric baths, electric massage treatment, alkaline water treatment; then, on
          this service was provided from 1876 by the privately owned   asset. And so it is not surprising that the Lake Geneva area was                  Rather than boosting production, it was decided to reduce the   the southern side of the terrace, a casino with reading rooms and billiards
          company Lausanne-Ouchy et des Eaux de Bret. Beau-Rivage   one of the pioneering regions in Switzerland and even in Europe.                     power consumed by the lighting. The carbon-filament lamps   rooms, a bar for cold drinks in summer and tea in winter, a large auditorium
          started to use it from 1888, to improve mobility inside the hotel.  Tourist demand effectively motivated technology transfer here.             were  replaced  by  2000  metal-filament  lamps  which  consumed   for concerts and plays – everything, in fact, that might healthily interest
         The directors finally decided to install a lift after having refused   In Lausanne, where a small power station was installed in 1882, the      less energy. 45                                         and entertain the public without introducing them to games of chance.’
          to do so on several occasions.  A hydraulic motor was chosen   Grand-Pont and Ours hotels were among the first subscribers.                        Heating was another indoor comfort factor, especially in the   Despite the purchase of an alkaline spring in Renens,
          because of its advantageous installation and operating costs: the   All the same, the Swiss electricity company’s network remained             winter. Until the mid-1890s, stoves were used, but their limited   whose waters were conveyed to Ouchy, in the end the project
          cost of one journey was estimated at 2 centimes. In 1901, a goods   confined to the town centre, where the concentration of customers          effectiveness did not solve the chronic difficulties suffered in the   was abandoned.  The principal reason for this defeat, which
          lift was powered in the same way. Shortly after the introduction   made the installation of the necessary infrastructures cost effective.      cold season. By the end of the 1870s, the combined effect of the   had significant financial consequences, seems to have been the
          of the hydraulic lift, this technical innovation was mentioned in   In 1894, the board of directors proposed overcoming this problem           recession and the competition plunged Beau-Rivage into the red   contamination of the spring. 49
          the hotel’s advertising, and was even mentioned on the manager’s   by constructing its own small generator at Beau-Rivage: ‘We still           during the winter months: ‘These results, gentlemen, are truly dismal.   The steam central heating, on the other hand, was quickly
          headed notepaper (fig. 9).                              have work to do, gentlemen, to make the necessary progress that will put us            They are attributable not to a decline in the number of foreigners coming   installed over the course of 1898 (fig. 10). In 1901, it was extended

          The hydraulic lift at the Beau-Rivage, used for publicity purposes
          on hotel director Jacques Tschumi’s headed notepaper, 1892.

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